• Member Since 29th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2024

Chaos Phantasm

An on again-off again Australian FIMfiction author. I like to write stories, be they good or bad. I always have an idea in my head just waiting to be used. I love to write and will continue to do so.


This story is a sequel to A Mother's Warmth

The night is long, it can be dark and cold with only the slight comfort of the moons light and the stars shine. Tonight, Nyx is unable to find her footing in the realm of dreams, she reads books and drinks milk but tonight she can't seem to sleep. And what a beautiful night to lose some sleep over.

Written mostly out of my own frustrations involving my lack of active writing this year, and the sloth that has filled my life the last few months prior to this fics publishing.

Warning: POV shift toward the end, and I have a reason I will not divulge for fear of spoilers. You're all smart, try to think about how our narrator knew all this was happening. :raritywink:

Based on the characters by Pen Stroke
Cover art by - shelbythehedgehog112
Edited by - Kirito-Persona

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Certainly an okay read for a story.
I like the dilemma of Nyx having problems sleeping but doesn't know why and believes that's it something to do with being Nightmare Moon.

There are problems though.
As you mentioned before the there is a POV shift which I thought would be interesting but it didn't seem connected/flow well.
Also, there's that continuity error with Diamond Tara and Silver Spoon still being jerks. Earlier you mentioned about Starlight which at that point in time I'm assuming is already Twilight's pupil. If that's the case, that means shouldnt they be reformed already since the cmc episode with the cutie marks happened already?

There were also some missed opportunities you could have added.
Twilight didn't had a chance to talk to her daughter directly which is a shame to miss a possibe mother daughter interaction
You could have played with a little more comedy with Nyx dozing off in school lessons
The interaction's with Luna could use more dialogue. (While I applaud for the simple answer Luna gives. Instead of some magical whatnot. You could also have Luna talk about her begaining experiences as a foal being nocturnal which could add some character for Luna while also lessening Nyxs worries further)

Regardless, it was an enjoyable read.:twilightsmile:

7521152 Fic written out of frustration, didn't have primary editor available to assist, written with the wrong mindset, didn't want to include personal head canons or entertain other head canons, am not good with comedy (prefers serious reads... debatable :derpyderp1: ) Wasn't feeling one hundred percent into the story to put my all into it. If Moosetasm was available, many of these issues would've been cleared up, and if I was actually into this particular story I'd have probably put more work, love and care into. It's literally the bottom the barrel to me.

Also, no continuity issue's. This is not near that point involving Starlight being a Pupil. This isn't even a proper sequel to A Mother's Warmth, a psuedo-sequel I'd rather place it for now.

7521166 A shame really. The story still okay at least.

Kind of funny that for me I write my stores the best when I'm in a foal mood. The exact opposite of you:rainbowlaugh:

7521169 I personally believe the fic could have been one hundred percent better if it wasn't a total conversion of what it was originally going to be. :ajbemused:

Oh, didn't see this story get posted, now I'm gonna read it.
Edit: What was with the double spacing between each paragraph?

7533472 GDocs has a nasty habit of bunching the words together, effectively removing the paragraphs when I download the file. I copy and paste my fics from the file into fimfiction you see. I space the paragraphs twice to avoid this issue. Its usually gone unnoticed, but it seems this time I didn't do a good job of hiding the double spacing. :twilightsheepish:

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