• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



Avatar artist credit goes to "sariprawita_" over on Fiverr

Comments ( 29 )
  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29

Thanks for favoriting The Slow Transformation of Oliver Sanderson! Even if it's not terribly popular right now, I have a lot of fondness towards it.

Thanks for the favourite on Pokémon Red and Purple!

Thank you for the fav on The Djinni's Tale! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me a like and some feedback in the comments!

I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:
(I'm an awful Changeling Queen >.<)

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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