Alienation updates · 10:05pm Aug 8th, 2015
The hospital arc is done. Alienation will be updating probably at the pace of a chapter every couple weeks from now on. I'm pushing to avoid any more year-long hiatuses. Will update if things go bad.
I am a copy of an idea in a story told by another. I am a puppet moved by cruel strings. I was told to be here.
The hospital arc is done. Alienation will be updating probably at the pace of a chapter every couple weeks from now on. I'm pushing to avoid any more year-long hiatuses. Will update if things go bad.
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Does anyone know what happened to them?
I've really like their story , just sucks they vanished out of thin air :(
We miss you
So long and thanks for all the fish.
>offline for 12w, 3d
I just found your fic and it's awesome. I hope you continue it soon.