• Member Since 17th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2022


Hello there! I'm Caisius, and I dabble in storytelling. I hope you enjoy my works!

Latest Stories

  • ENever Stop Smiling
    When a friend grieves for you, and you can't do anything to comfort them, it's heartbreaking. There are no warm hugs, no comforting embraces, no words spoken to ease the mind. Pinkie Pie hopes to change that with a final message: Never Stop
    Caisius · 9.4k words  ·  18  1 · 771 views
  • TMemories
    During her most helpless hour, Twilight is visited by many ghostly memories of experiences that forged one of her strongest bonds. Through them, she is able to find the strength to carry out her duty as a friend... but is she too late?
    Caisius · 4.1k words  ·  225  5 · 9k views
  • EAll But Two
    At some point, everypony has to face the truth, no matter how much it hurts to do so. For Applejack, it's the fact that not everypony had been at the reunion that day. All but two had been there. All but two.
    Caisius · 2.9k words  ·  90  1 · 3k views
  • EOne Hearth's Warming Eve
    On the eve of Hearth's Warming, families gather around the comfort of warm fires and tell the stories of of the holiday. But not everypony can have that luxury. But little does he know at the time, miracles can happen on Hearth's Warming Ev
    Caisius · 5.2k words  ·  161  8 · 18k views
Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

who is the artist that made your avatar?

I wish I could but alas I live on a tiny island. I would've totally hunted you down.:pinkiehappy:

Dude your avatar pic should brass too... Sad apple...:applecry:

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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BronyCon 2017 and the Completion of Never Stop Smiling · 3:02am Aug 11th, 2017

BronyCon has come once again, and I'll be there! I'll be hanging around the Vendor Hall a lot of the time, potentially by table #224. Wherever I end up, if you find me, don't be afraid to stop and say hello!

Just in time for BronyCon comes chapter three of Never Stop Smiling, drawing the story to its conclusion. Almost three years since I released the first chapter, I'm glad to finally complete this story.

Give it a read. I'd love to know what you think!