
Viewing 1 - 20 of 341 results

LLtK complete - 04/04/2017 · 6:05am Apr 4th, 2017

It’s not perfect but it’s finished. I got to move on or I will stall forever it seems. It's not 100% but it's done. Long Live the King final chapters are now live. I'll probable come back later with another blog post with a look back on the story and how it feels to finally be done with it.

Report Morpheus Sandman · 311 views · #complete

State of Resolve: Speaking Of Other Stories That Have Needed An Ending For Five Years... · 7:38am Aug 1st, 2017

Sweet Celestia, that was a thing.

I'll need some time to decompress after this, decide how I feel about ending a project that I have been working on for nearly the length of my time in the fandom.

477,898 words. I began working on this in the middle of April 2012. That hardly makes me the most prolific author, but an average of 7500 words a month just on this story. Not too shabby.

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Report Steel Resolve · 968 views · #It #Is #Complete

Myths and Birthrights: COMPLETED! · 9:38pm Apr 3rd, 2020

After 8 years, Myths and Birthrights has been marked with the 'Completed' tag.

It has been a long, arduous, and amazing journey writing this story. There were more than a few times that I didn't think I'd every finish, that it would just fizzle away like almost every other novel or multi-chapter story I've tried to write. 'Sins of the Ancients', in particular, haunted me, and I was very concerned that Myths would suffer the same fate.

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Report Tundara · 842 views · #Completed

Discord Day Care is Now Complete! · 11:55pm Jul 13th, 2017

That's it! The last chapter has been published! It's done! Those of you who were waiting (you know who you are, you add the story to bookshelves with names like "Will read when finished") can now read the whole thing, while those of you who were waiting on the final chapter can now see how it all ends!

Don't forget to comment, share, etc when you're done!

Report Viking ZX · 349 views · #Complete!

The Almanac is Authorially Accomplished · 12:24am Aug 1st, 2020

It took such a long period of time folks, but finally: A.K. Yearling's T-rated retall of Condemned - and her own attempts to fight in the falliout - is finally complete.

Enjoy at will, her final fight with Hel Gaulle is a close-run contest and what she has to give as a word to the future is a moment of Vis you won't wanna miss.

TA.K. Yearling's Heedless Almanac
As the ultimate adventurer, Daring Do is used to penning paeans about how chaotic situations get. But with the newly depraved Queen at the helm of all Equestia, her latest work requires she report directly from the abyss.
Vis-a-Viscera · 35k words  ·  5  6 · 206 views
Report Vis-a-Viscera · 218 views · #completed

It's finished · 7:49pm Jun 4th, 2023

Thank you all for sticking with me this far, and I hope to see you all in the future!

Report DarthBall · 224 views · #complete

It's done, and my God am I happy. · 4:27am Aug 25th, 2016

Weighing in at 26k+ words, we have this golden Bass of a chapter!

Provided by yours truly! LINKING IT!

Enter at your own peril.

Also, I feel like I should preempt this.

They're not in chronological order, you'll know what I mean when you get to it.

Last, keep an open mind about the pairings. I don't do Slash, so there won't be any of that.

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Report Nasha Rei Kun · 263 views · #Completed

And that's it! · 10:55pm Dec 10th, 2015

Today I've finally brought over the last of the previously written shorts. Anything from here on out will be brand new content!

Up next we have:

#37 - Natural Frenemies

When Techorse's squirrel fails to get along with another Ponyville pet, the question arises: can an ancient rivalry be settled so that the two can get along?

Report Spirals95 · 245 views · #complete

Final Chapter - On a Riverboat to the Sea · 7:04pm Jul 26th, 2021

And with that, we've reached out final chapter. Thank you everyone for reading!

I had a few thoughts in mind that I was going to share after the story was completed, but honestly I think it's better to let it stand as is. I will say that there are a couple of references scattered throughout its chapters. If anyone has recognized them, that would bring me great pleasure. But even if no one did, I hope everyone who gave this story a chance thoroughly enjoyed what I did with it. I know I did.

Report Jarvy Jared · 176 views · #complete

Carry Me Home: Complete · 8:34pm Oct 6th, 2017


Windy and Shy, update 4. · 5:28am Jun 27th, 2019

Well, the story is finally at its end. I hope you all enjoy the ending and I want to thank everyone for being patient with the updates. I wound up working on three stories at once which was stupid and not something I intend to repeat. Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave your feedback. I'm especially interested in learning how well the characters of Aron and Nora were received. I always try to insert something interesting for the characters and their speech pattern was certainly

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Report Marezinger Z · 222 views · #Update #Complete

An Explosive Completion! · 8:56pm Oct 29th, 2023

If you've been waiting on a Complete tag, wait no longer!

[Adult story embed hidden]


It is finally finished!!!! · 6:38am Nov 18th, 2016

It is done.

I finally completed Endless Time, Or Forever End. Oh I am so happy, oh so happy. This is a glorious time. I would like to take this time to thank all the readers that stayed through probably the hardest story I have ever written. So thank you.


It's Out! · 1:44am Jun 9th, 2017

Can't believe I forgot to post this but My book is out!

check here to find the story!


Fucking up again · 1:32am Jan 6th, 2018

I really need to remember that no one is interested in my opinion on anything. Things never go well when I forget that.


I Think I Summoned a Ponk is OFFICIALLY OVER! · 4:28am Oct 22nd, 2016

Final chapter just went up. The world ended.

That is all. The official sequel, (not a fic loosely-based on the same ideas) won't be out for a while. I've got other stuff to work on now.

Report TheMajorTechie · 315 views · #story #complete

The Venator of the Empress in Red · 9:01pm Jan 20th, 2022

Artist: Emphoa once again, the Chad

My own merging of Redfang and Mobius, both by Emphoa, with a slight change in Redfangs Opacity


It's over · 1:41pm Aug 4th, 2021


For the Benefit of Twilight Sparkle · 10:25pm Jul 16th, 2015

Heh. See what I did there? Eh? Eh?

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Report Corejo · 393 views · #story complete!

Nearing Completion · 1:35pm Oct 6th, 2016

Hey everypony

The Cutie Mark Crusade: Warm Beginnings is almost coming to an end. I'm working now on the last chapter which I hope to release by the end of next week. :fluttercry:

It brings me great sadness when to watch this fic end. I really loved it from the start.

I hope to write something as cute in the future! :heart:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 341 results