• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 27th, 2015


EqD pre-reader and guy who does interviews


Interview: Dafaddah's Alone · 6:35pm Jan 22nd, 2014

Despite the dark tag, Alone is a story about love and family. We see the love between Twilight and Celestia, between Twilight and her brother, and between Spike and Twilight's parents. We also see the love of the changeling queen for her brood. Even weird bug things will do anything for their family! So despite the darkness and death, in the end this was a heartwarming story that reaffirms the values we’ve come to expect from a show like Friendship is Magic.

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Report amacita · 818 views ·

Interview: Cold in Gardez's The Wind Thief · 3:29am Nov 27th, 2013

The Wind Thief is the only crossover I love as much as Fallout: Equestria, and after talking with Cold in Gardez, I'm not surprised: the things I love about one are the things I love about the other, and he intended it that way from the beginning.

The Wind Thief by Cold in Gardez

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Report amacita · 912 views ·

Interview: JawJoe's Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift · 3:54am Nov 22nd, 2013

Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift is a lot of fun. It’s part Men in Black, part H.P. Lovecraft, and part Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. On November 16th, it won the Foal Free Network’s Stories Back from the Read 2013 contest, beating entries by ToixStory, theswimminbrony, and RavensDagger. Though how someone with less than 100 followers can win a popularity contest against people

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Report amacita · 1,049 views ·

Eakin's A Taste of the Good Life · 1:30am Nov 15th, 2013

I’ve always thought of myself as the arch-nemesis of fluff, but A Taste of the Good Life finally convinced me that fluff and conflict can live together in harmony and both be better for it. In this interview, Eakin talks about the relationship between fluff and conflict, as well as some of the ideas in the story and the choices he made in writing it.

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Report amacita · 1,349 views ·

Interview: Ether Echoes' Through the Well of Pirene · 7:59pm Oct 19th, 2013

Through the Well of Pirene is HiE done right, and I’m very proud to see it on Equestria Daily. In this interview, Ether Echoes explains what makes it different, and just how he managed to write one that impressed two EqD pre-readers and Seattle’s Angels.

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Report amacita · 1,728 views ·

Interview: adcoon's Uniformity · 1:59pm Oct 4th, 2013

Uniformity is one of my favourite adventure stories in this fandom: epic scope, a conflict-filled romance, and a mystery that only deepens the further you read.

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Report amacita · 1,110 views ·

Interview: TheBandBrony's Letting Your Mane Down · 12:23am Oct 3rd, 2013

Letting Your Mane Down” impressed me by telling a funny story about Twilight getting a manecut. If that’s not slice-of-life, I don’t know what is.

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Report amacita · 463 views ·

Interview: The Descendant's Zenith · 4:02pm Jul 31st, 2013

Zenith is the best story I’ve ever read about Spike, and it’s one of my favourite fanfics ever. It’s heartwrenching, beautiful, and breathtakingly epic. The Descendant’s professional life involves working with children, and he brings that experience to Zenith, painting a vision of Spike so compelling that it completely redefined the way I see him. In this interview,

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Report amacita · 1,156 views ·

Interview: Sharaloth · 4:00pm Jul 19th, 2013

Sharaloth is best known for his dark, epic, and highly original AUs. In this interview, he gives some advice on worldbuilding and explains the process he used to create The Heart Thief, part of his Fallen World series. We also talk about his most recent story, Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, and his writing outside of the MLP fandom.

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Report amacita · 781 views ·

Interview: Sunset of Time · 3:13pm Jun 19th, 2013

From the moment I saw Sunset of Time in the pre-readers’ queue, I wanted to post it. Three rounds of revision later, I was finally able to. In this interview, The Albinocorn and I talk about what makes a great time travel story and what it’s like to go through three rounds of revision with an EqD pre-reader.

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Report amacita · 461 views ·