• Member Since 17th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 28th, 2023


I write books. :)


My editor got sucked into Eorzea · 2:39pm Sep 22nd, 2013

So the next chapter is taking a while...Sorry everyone.

Report Aldrigold · 402 views ·

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Comments ( 4 )
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How does it feel to have your first comment here in nearly 5 years?!

Hey man, I saw your post on that incredibly offensive thread about female characters, and I wanted to say that you were 100% spot on about feminism, and that it's a shame that people still have such misguided opinions about it... and females characters, for that matter. Anyway, don't let people like that OP keep you down!

Damn what is wrong with me WELCOME!! :pinkiehappy:

Here, have a comment mate! To spice this page up a bit :twilightsheepish: :scootangel:

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