• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2022


My love of MLP has been invaded by my love of futanari! Be warned. As with many of my stories, it features a character suddenly growing a penis. In my stories, futa do not always take NO for an answer


An Unaccountable Problem · 2:14am Aug 18th, 2013

Since there's a minimum of one thousand words to a story here, I'm posting this as a blog entry. It's my answer to a challenge to write a MLI:FIM fanfic of five hundred words or less. Mine, not including title and author lines, is EXACTLY five hundred words. Oh, and have no fears. It's one hundred percent rated "G", and funny.
(At least I think so!)

Let me present...
An Unaccountable Problem
By Honey Moon

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