• Member Since 6th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 10th, 2022



I have really bad writers block... · 8:18pm Jul 31st, 2015

Just can't figure out how to move the story along, it's coming but I had to restart this chapter I didn't like where it was going.

Report Ahpex · 401 views · Story: The Love of a Family ·


Comments ( 6 )
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Your name reminds me of Aphex Twin, one of my favorite musicians.

tanks fer teh watch:heart:

Thank you for joining my friend darksome's Sunset Shimmer group.

If it is not too much trouble, could I also get you to consider joining this group? It is called Who thinks Sunset Shimmer deserves another chance?

982799 I'm not sure, it's showing up for me and my brother on his account. Try another browser.

Why can I not see your story? It doesnt show for me.

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