• Member Since 30th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen June 6th


All I have to say is 'muu'. That is all~


Thank you all~ · 12:26pm Feb 15th, 2016

I know I've been silent for awhile. But I wanted to thank every comment, every favorite, every like, and every watch each one of you give me on my stories. Even though it's been ages since I last wrote something, I'm happy to see whenever I get a notification about them.

So, thank you all :heart:

Hopefully I'll get back to writing soon and finish the rest of the stories I have partially written out, or the ones that are still locked on my head. :pinkiecrazy:

Report Lilsane · 369 views ·

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Thanks for adding my story to a bookshelf :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding How He Truly Feels to your library.

Thanks for adding Dear Coloratura to your favorites! :heart:

Thanks for adding Dear Coloratura to your favorites! :heart:

Thanks for the favorite :twilightsmile: I hope you enjoyed Secret Sisters.

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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