• Member Since 16th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2022


Real life is for the stories you just can't make up.

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I can try, but I haven't done one in weeks.
I'll probably report back with the critique in two to three days, as that's what it normally takes me to do. :twilightsmile:
EDIT: Finished.

Hey Kritten can you critique my story, Lost In the Stars? I want you to be brutally honest like in your other blog posts, that way you can offer helpful advice. I want to tell a fun story, but I want I to make sure what I'm doing is right. Rip my story a new one so I can make it better.

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First Impressions Critiquing -- Introduction · 6:57am Sep 6th, 2015

New writer? Want someone to critique your work with a quick response time? I'm always available to look at your works, so don't be afraid to hit me up. The length doesn't matter. As long as it's under 20k words, I'll do you a solid and give you a quick rundown on what to expect when the average user will give their first impressions while opening your story. Just the first couple of chapters will do, since there is no "First Impression" for return readers.

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