Lament of a MuffinDitzy deals with a life that she can't control, and ponies that only see a muffin crazed Arakos
1,908 words
· 186 · 4
HeirloomCaramel's family has passed a priceless heirloom from father to son for generations. All he wants to do his carry on the tradition, but sometimes, it's not that Arakos
3,422 words
· 21 · 1
A Cause Worth Dying ForWhen the Wonderbolt Academy doesn't turn out well, Lightning Dust enlists in the Equestrian Royal Guard to fill in the void. Deep in a wooded mountain range on a scouting mission, she contemplates what exactly drives her Signas
5,129 words
· 134 · 3
Better Than BestNo matter how amazing and talented a pony may be, she will always be missing at least one aspect required to be "perfect". Lightning Dust, believing herself to already be the pinnacle of ponykind, struggles to find the missing Signas
30,244 words
· 91 · 2
That's A FirstA first kiss is supposed to be magical. In this case, it is, but Scootaloo has no idea why. Turns out nopony has had that talk with her yet, and she certainly hasn't figured it out for FeignedSincerity
10,245 words
· 101 · 3
Buried MemoriesA death in the family forces Rarity to look after her sister but also to confront her past. by JaketheGinger
7,874 words
· 97 · 2
Tamed II: As Time Went OnA lone Pegasus finds himself involved in a ten year old struggle that never died. He discovers there is more to reality than he could ever dream. Here begins the continuation of Tamed where old grudges are settled and new ones are PiercingZen
31,508 words
· 175 · 10
New RevelationsSweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who have been "together" for three months, are put to the test when a new foal comes to Ponyville, igniting feelings that Sweetie Belle is all too familiar Phantom Shadow
122,430 words
· 145 · 18
Thanks for tracking Care to Take a Lady Out on a Date?! There's more to come soon!
And thanks for adding Fallout Girls to your tracking, I try to update every two weeks!
Also thanks for the favourite on Cards Against the Princesses!
Thanks for adding Pokémon Red and Purple to your tracking!
Thank you for putting a tracker on "Fallout: Equestria Girls"