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Group evaluation methods If the command you can also try and other ways that reduce the risk of bias. In addition, this significantly accelerates the process. Each of the discussion participants chooses no more than 5 (you can place another restriction) ideas from the list, for example, denoting them checks. Proposals that have gained the largest number of assessments are considered subsequent. A similar process can be done in the form of a secret ballot - it will provide more objectivity. Participants, using the above-mentioned methods of criteria, evaluate the ideas and choose their options. Then they are compared to others, and select the best. As you can see, the presented methods are simplicity, and however, allow you to effectively select the best ideas. These tools can be used both alone and in a group that greatly accelerates the process. But it is important to remember that it is an analytical process, not creative as brainstorming. It is time to include logical, convergent thinking.

The Tesco method of Tesco Company The Tesco retail trade in its activities uses the following issues to assess the results of brainstorming: how much an idea improves the state of affairs for the client? How Did the Offer simplifies the work of employees? Does it lead to economy for an enterprise? Ball score of any of the criteria may be relative. The profit from the implementation of the idea is absolutely different, something is being implemented easily, something is much more difficult. The analysis process can be improved if each criterion is evaluated in scores, for example from 1 to 5. Later the sum of points is counted, and you will have a ready rating. This method requires more time, so go to it when you rejected the most unsuitable offers.

Man thinks about many things, but extremely rarely - about its own thinking and thought that affects all actions, self-esteem, decision-making speed, level of stress and happiness Visit URL. Therefore, your mental habits completely and fully form the quality of life. Here are five truths that need to be realized to everyone. Who should evaluate ideas? At first glance, the issue seems unimportant, but everything is not so easy. A group that has just conducted brainstorming may be too biased. In addition, the lack of recreation after intensive intellectual load can negatively affect the quality of analytical work. Therefore, a different group is usually used for this. However, the most effective seems to be another approach - when brainstorming participants return to the evaluation in a week. During this time they will not only rest and can look at the problem of a fresh look. During this interval, the subconscious will live with their ideas, unobtrusive to us handling them. This can serve as a source of new insights.

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