• Member Since 7th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen January 1st




For the past three months, The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, the CMC, Gabby, and Smolder have all been receiving love poems, love letters, or small gifts with no name saying who it's from. They become determined to find out who this mysterious person is and why they're so infatuated with all 12 of them. When they finally reveal who it is, however, the answer to their questions is something that no one saw coming.

Takes place sometime in Season 9.

Sorry, I couldn't fit Starlight's tag on this story. I wish FimFiction would allow more than tags for main characters.

Featured on Spike's page on April 12th, 2021. Thanks, everyone.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 57 )

Sorry, I couldn't fit Starlight's tag on this story. I wish FimFiction would allow more than tags for main characters.

I feel ya. The whole limit thing seems ridiculous.

I'm betting my handful of air that the messed-up admirer is Spike :moustache:
I mean it's pretty obvious. No crud, Sherlock.

"Alright," she said "It says here that Spike is a very rare breed of dragon that is known to have multiple mates, up to 15 of them. If Spike's breed of Dragons does build a harem, their instinct to build a hoard and go into a greed-induced growth spurt will be gone. It also mentions that this particular breed is rather more gentler and kinder than most breeds of Dragons."

huh, how convenient :rainbowlaugh:

Commence Operation Heartbreak Kid!

So the CMC, Gabby, and Smolder have a thing for Spike that's 5 of the 15.

Maybe Trixie, Marble and Limestone Pie could be additional.

"That's Pinkie for you," Applejack smiled. "Unpredictable, but still lovable."

Ain't that the truth lol 😅 :pinkiehappy:

"Uh, thanks for the offer, Twilight, but I'm gonna have to pass on that one," Spike replied. He fidgeted slightly and looked a bit nervous. "I offered to help the Cakes with the twins today and I need to be at Sugarcube Corner in an hour."

Hmm I feel like I know who the secret admirer is but then again I could be wrong but still he's not really helping his situation :moustache:

This is just my opinion, but what if it’s not a secret admirer but secret admirers?

"That just leaves one question: Who gets him?" Smolder said. "We all like him for the same reason and we all know our feelings for him aren't going away that easy."

Ohhh yeah that is a huge problem there😰

Ok, let’s say it is spike, now that he knows their plan he could easily find a way around it.

"Sweet," Spike said. "I'm glad you finally got a break, Rainbow Dash. I wish you the best of luck in finding him. I'm headed uptairs for a nap. Trying to put the Cake Twins to sleep was almost impossible and tired me out. Wake me for dinner."


Was whoever the secret admirer even trying to not get caught?

i feel like i know who the admirer is but im not gonna say it until the next chapter

Question: is the story taking place in ponyville or canterlot because you say they are in the crystal castle but keep saying canterlot.

I'm sure it spike but again I could be wrong but let see what happens next

Castle of Friendship. I forgot that the castle wasn't in canterlot. Please refresh my memory on here it is.

It’s... gonna be spike isn’t it?

"Well, when we first became pen-pals, I had a boyfriend named Rocky. He acted charming and laid-back when I was around, but behind my back, I found out that he was arrogant, lazy, and rude. Then, one time, I came home to find Rocky kissing another Griffon girl. I had never felt so betrayed and heart-broken in all my life. Then to top it all off, he had the gall to say it was my fault he cheated on me because I wasn't good enough for him. I kicked him out of my house and wrote Spike the next morning to tell him about what happened. He came over to Griffonstone to see me no later than three hours after I sent that letter to him. He told me to forget about Rocky and that there are plenty of guys out there who'd be more than grateful to be with me. He helped me find my way back to my normally cheerful self in less than a week," Gabby explained. "I began to have strange feelings for him after that. At first I didn't know what to do about it, bit then I realized that it was love. Like the four of you, I too had fallen in love with him because of his kindness and empathy."

All griffons: have a name starting with g
Rocky: I’m a bad boy

might as well throw in Ember and Thorax while you're at it :trollestia:
and imma like the harem even more :pinkiecrazy:

When I say, "not a long wait", it usually means less than or a full week.

Wow, imagine being in love with twelve other girls.

Its lovely in seeing Spike getting a harem there.
Wonder how Luna and Celestia would react?
Definitely seeing a reaction from Cadance due to her being the princess of love there.

Boy Spike hope you got a hell load of stamina

Now when I think about it, who would actually want a harem?

This story was so cute i loved it and don't care what other people say i love this story and its ships

Yeah and the rest of the money is gonna be for the children they have

This is a good story but could use a once over by a editor and some polishing on some parts. Overall a good story with an interesting selection of love interests.

Because, it seems like one of those questions are obvious, but I wanna see how many actually put some thought into their answer.

Well it certainly is good for those who love more than one person and it keeps people from fighting over you. If you love just one person than don’t make a harem.

Yeah, but I feel like it wouldn’t be that simple to choose. I feel like it requires more thinking.

That’s true, but who knows? Maybe there’s someone out there with twelve girlfriends.

I love it! But was also hoping Ember would've been part of it XD. Still an awesome story!

I'm sorry, but... I just can't buy this. He writes love letters to all the females in his life, never mentioning to each how he also has his eyes on a dozen other girls at the same time, but they don't mind? Nope, can't accept that. I know the fandom makes Spike into a god, but come on. The story acts like being with Spike is an honour to each and every one of them, even Spike acts like his time and attention is something they need to earn before they deserve it.

Nobody ever points out stringing several people along is a bad thing. The only thing called out is how horrible it is that only one can be with Spike, and the rest live with the pain of not being with Spike—by Spike! Like he's such a wonderful, super-special being that a fate without him must be the worst thing in the world. That's pure arrogance. Does he actually deserve any of them? That "harem hoard" excuse doesn't make it better, that just creates emotional blackmail because now they MUST all be okay with being his little harem wives.

Sorry, sorry. I know, I'm ranting here. I just feel like the story does everyone a disservice; Spike by not addressing what he did in playing them all (and yeah, that's exactly what he did!) and the rest in just happily accepting that they will be just another feather in his cap.

But what about the 13th secret admirer Spike's into. The 13th admirer

Smolder: Yeah, even if Spike was into Raven, she would’ve been too busy to spend time with him, being Celestia’s assistant and all. Plus, he overheard Raven saying how she didn’t “give a damn” that Chrysalis mocked him in his Grave and how we beat her up for it and, needless to say, he was not pleased. He had seen that whole confrontation and beatdown and felt that even though he wanted to give her the benifit of the doubt, there was no good in her.


Smolder: Yeah, even if Spike was into Raven, she would’ve been too busy to spend time wit him, being Celestia’s assistant and all.

Raven: Wow! You must be a mind reader or a good guesser, and remember this is an alternate universe different from yours so anything can happen.


Just like your cannon story.

Smolder: Hmm, true, but you have a lot to make up for if you want to be on his radar. Not going against his final wish to forgive Discord, he says, would be a start.

"It was mostly uneventful, until I walked into a shop and I saw that the store was selling the same kind of envelopes and letters that we've been getting," Rainbow explained. "I went to the clerk and explained to him what the situation was and he told me that someone usually stops by there to pick up cards and occasionally gifts for all of us. When I asked him what the creature looked like, he told me that it was a boy, but couldn't tell what species he was because of what he always wore when he came in there. The clerk claimed that the dude was short but had the ability to fly. He wore a tan trench coat, a grey top hat, and red-rimmed sunglasses. The clerk also said that he stops in there once a week. The last time he stopped by there was yesterday."

Next time, just write something like:
"After recounting her experience to her friends,"

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