• Member Since 25th Dec, 2014
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Taking request NO SHIPS ALLOWED · 1:44pm Mar 28th, 2017

Alright I'm am planning on doing One shots and taking request you can choose the forms you want, inn these one shots I will be including OC's and characters from movies, shows, and genderbent characters and I also need help writing these stories to make them good and detailed. I will including one the grimdark ponies and its the Candymare

here the forms you can choose the story want me to do and I do my best on like you guys do.

Pony x human anon
antho x Human anon

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Report Carlosesunbrony · 475 views ·
Comments ( 74 )
  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74

Thanks for the fave

You’re welcome fantastic job on the story

Thankies for the fab it is appreciated.

Nice. Hope they get better!

  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74
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