• Member Since 15th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I'm just a person with autism (high functioning) who enjoys 10 pin bowling, Video Games, and obviously ponies.


My old Computer died so got a new one · 6:01pm Jul 26th, 2017

My old computer has kicked the bucket during May. Its built in graphics card (to display a picture to the screen) has died and what sucks is that part is part of the main motherboard (or computer chip). It would of cost me over 100 U.S.D. for me to get it replaced. So I got a new Gaming Laptop. So i'm good again.

Comments ( 173 )
  • Viewing 169 - 173 of 173

Thank you for adding Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding What Once was Lost to your favorites, I appreciate it!

Thanks for adding Magi-Net : Arrival to your favourites.

Thanks for the favorite. What did you like most about Twilight: The Elemental Master?

It was interesting to say the least but it’s good story telling with vibrant words that makes me recreate it in my imagination. It was honestly really good. No pun intended.

  • Viewing 169 - 173 of 173
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