After a few years of watching the show ideas always continue to bubble up in my head now's the time to release them.
Stories about: Feelings too complicated to describe, ponies
Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories
Just a guy that has ideas and likes to try and work with them.
I am hate, I am fear, I am sorrow, I am DESPAIR!!!!!!!!
I don't believe in the idea of rough and final drafts. There's just the pure writing, and whatever little tweaks that a writer thinks will make the piece better.
Retired writer of almost anything. Lover of RariDash and background ponies.
A rocking brony with a love for crossover and adventure. Currently part time in college
"It is my sworn duty to protect the harmony of the Haremverse but if ones so salty try to disrupt this harmony in any way, THO SHALL GET RIGIDITY WREAKED BITCH BOI!"
YO! I write stuff. Primarily comedy for now but I will experiment with other genre's. some will go better that others.
Hey what up im rainbow skies this is my profile thing hope you like my stories and some other stuff as well but stay frosty later
Luck? I don't need it, I just need everyone else's to plummet while I'm around.
Just your average Brony here to read and write stories about the show the rest of us bronies and pegasisters have come to admire and still enjoy watching from time to time.
A man who has seen the world of my little pony and wishes to see what could make it better
just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life
An aspiring writer who grew strong with the help of fellow fans of MLP.
Not much interesting about me. Just trying to make a good story that people will enjoy!
A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.
An aspiring writer that loves the fandom and it's works
I do a bit of writing when I can, which is not often. I'm also willing to proofread and edit, so don't be afraid to contact me!