• Member Since 8th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Ghost Warrior

A man who has seen the world of my little pony and wishes to see what could make it better


Happy Birthday America! · 11:17am July 4th

To my fellow Americans. On this day, two hundred and Forty-Eight years ago, our Founding Fathers wrote their signature on the most important document in American history, because without it, there would be no America. The Declaration of Independence forged this country's legacy. It's not without its issues. Our country has been through wars, sickness, attacks, and devastation, and the future will most assuredly hold more of that. But what does not kill us, makes us stronger.

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Story updates. · 7:33pm May 6th

To all my loyal followers, I have an announcement. I will be focusing most of my attention on Wolfman of the Multiverse. So John Apple will be put on the back burner. And I know I made it seem like there was a Lucifer Series, but I'm afraid it was just a one-and-done story.

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New cover. · 8:44pm Jan 31st, 2022

Thought it was time to replace the old cover art for The Wolfman of Ponyville.

I would like to thank https://www.fimfiction.net/user/359409/WurkyWilk358+0w0 for helping with the art.

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Walking the Dusty trail. · 6:07pm Aug 3rd, 2021

Last week, we lost the bass player of one of the most famous Rock bands to come out of Texas. That's right, Dusty Hill has passed away and we will miss him. 72. Hope I live that long.

Report Ghost Warrior · 137 views ·

100 · 1:28am Apr 5th, 2021

A few days ago, I gained 100 followers. I consider myself a humble man most of the time, but I am pretty proud of this. So, I would like to thank the first person to follow me, AeroLiger, and the person to make it a hundred, SOG AVENGER 225. I want to thank you guys for the following, and for believing in my writing abilities, or lack thereof.

So, here's a few clips to celebrate.

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This might work. · 4:27am Feb 25th, 2021

I was skimming through YouTube out of boredom when I came across an old commercial that may land me a date.

There's only a couple of problems I see in this scenario. One, I'm not catholic or a churchgoer. Two, I doubt any priest would be that gullible, but one can hope.

Report Ghost Warrior · 152 views ·

Getting rid of a story. · 2:29am Sep 14th, 2020

This is just to inform everyone who might be confused when it comes to my story count. Rather than keep a canceled story and be reminded of a failure, I deleted the canceled story 'The Ghost and the Darkness'. That's, that's all I really wanted to say.

Report Ghost Warrior · 169 views ·

Sad news. · 12:46am Jul 29th, 2020

Everyone, I have some bad news. I found out today, that a friend and co-worker of mine, has died the previous night. I don't want this to sound ill-willed, but she died from an overdose. I don't know what of, but her heart gave out after a while. I knew her well and will miss her around the workplace.

On a message to all, please don't use drugs and don't drink yourself to death. Don't wind up like my friend, who left this world with two children without their mother.

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Another possible cancelation · 5:42pm Jun 7th, 2020

I have been wrestling with my third story, The Ghost and the Darkness, and I'm wondering if I should just cancel it. I'll let you guys determine that with feedback. In truth, I want to continue the story, but I just don't feel it most days.

Report Ghost Warrior · 139 views ·

A quarter of a century. · 6:39pm May 16th, 2020

Well, today is my birthday and I just turned twenty-five. How am I spending said birthday during these times? By writing this blog and continuing with my stories. Oh, and three-quarters of a bottle of jager.

Report Ghost Warrior · 133 views ·