• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Stories about: Feelings too complicated to describe, ponies


Tradition · 3:05pm Dec 31st, 2023

This one's particular poignant. Singing this on January 1 is a twelve year tradition at this point.

So fun facts
1) Did you know you don't have to be epileptic to have seizures?
2) and if you have a seizure lasting longer than five minutes you just straight out have a 20% chance of dying in the next thirty days, apparently

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Two Martyrs Fall for Each Other · 9:46am Nov 22nd, 2023

Here’s where I talk about this new story, 40,000 words long and written in just over a week. This is in no way to say it’s rushed, quite the opposite; It wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t so excited to put it out. I would consider A Complete Lack of Jealousy from All Involved a prologue more than a prequel, and suggested but not necessary reading. 

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Commissions Open: An Autobiography · 3:53pm Nov 4th, 2023

Commission rates $20USD per 1,000 words. Story ideas expected between 4K-20K preferable. Just as a heads up, I’m trying to put as much of my focus as I can into original work for publication, so I might close slots quickly or be selective with the ideas I take. Does not have to be pony, but obviously I’m going to be better or more interested in either original fiction or franchises I’m familiar with. My DMs are open to requests. 

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Blinded by Delight · 7:18am Oct 19th, 2023

My brain diagnosis ended up way funnier than "We'll name it after you". It turned out to be "We know this is theoretically possible because there was a recorded case of it happening once in 2003". It turns out that if you have bipolar disorder and ADHD and PTSD and a traumatic brain injury, you get sick in a way that should only be possible for people who have no eyes.

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EFNW · 4:23pm Aug 12th, 2023

I planned on making it this year but then ran into an unfortunate case of the kill-me-deads. In the moment I needed to make a call whether to cancel or not, and I knew I was dying from something but didn't know if it was going to be an easy treatment or not.

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State of the author · 7:24pm May 4th, 2023

Started writing a book, got 100,000 words into it and needed a break, so I just wrote and finished a different 70,000 word book as a treat. Well, first draft, so it goes. I'm insanely proud of both of these for different reasons. The former is more like me trying to write something tonally Moonfic again for the first time since, the second is more like a mix between my Flimsy Pretexts and Mind if I Cut In writing with Serpent and the Apple and Vows Made in Wine. Just a raw dark ya romantic

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ChatGPT and the Cotton Gin · 8:50am Apr 22nd, 2023


If it's stupid and it works: · 12:33pm Apr 19th, 2023


Compatibility Testing - Or Dating in Labratory Conditions · 3:59pm Apr 2nd, 2023

I have a new original fiction piece up on Offprint!

I'm waiting to set up an AO3 account for people who prefer that, but I hate the UI over there.

This starts like a horror movie you know, but it doesn’t have to end that way.

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Report MrNumbers · 430 views ·

"Intelligence is a Weapon, Not a Virtue" · 4:19pm Mar 3rd, 2023

You ever have a conversation with someone, and they just say a sentence that wakes you up? It feels like having a bucket of water thrown at your face, and you’re like, fuck, that’s it. 

“Intelligence is a weapon, not a virtue” hit me like that. I can’t even remember what the conversation was about, it was months ago now, but I’ve been thinking about that line ever since.

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