So with the amount of news coverage of the coronavirus and the fears and misinformation. I think we should all stop for a second and think about this logically.
Then immediately go straight to panic and hoarding toilet paper. We are all going to die and everyone who has it is an enemy to the people and need to be immediately quarantined.
Another year another 9/11 shit post. See you all next year.
Well another year and once again you are all graced with 9/11 memes.
So I am slowly noising though some of my stories and when i get the time write a few paragraphs. I also have a new writer giving me a hand with some of it. So hopefully at some point you guys if you still give a fuck will see a return.
Also a friend of mine has a patreon where she writes reviews/ stories etc. If any of you can spare a few quid. I know she would appreciate the help.
Also enjoy new artwork