• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2014
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Wolf Blood

After a few years of watching the show ideas always continue to bubble up in my head now's the time to release them.


Happy New Year and Future Plans · 10:00pm Jan 1st, 2020

Good Morning Noon and Evening everybody.

Yep it's me Wolf Blood I ain't dead yet after such a hectic year and that's what I wanna talk to you about. To be blunt and to the point about it most of you have noticed that I haven't been posting as many characters as I normally do lately.

Also I'm sorry to bring you more bad news but updates to my story A Wolf Among Ponies are going to be slow still because I have a few things I wish to catch up on.

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New Art and First Attempt · 12:58am Dec 31st, 2018

Now I know many of you have been asking me this for a long time and today you get your wish but keep in mind this is my first attempt of doing a coloured drawing including putting my character's face on paper so without further adieu here it is.

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Fan Art · 7:23am Jun 20th, 2017

I know many of you have been asking this for a long time and after so long through blood sweat and temper tantrums I finally did it today I present to you my first TWO pictures I drew myself for all of you one is for the story one is for down the track and so without further adieu I give you.

Picture 1

Picture 2

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A Wolf Among Series · 11:09am Jan 3rd, 2016

Mares and Gentlecolts I have fantastic news drumroll please.

Today I have started my own group called A Wolf Among Series this is where you will find A Wolf Among Ponies and other stories linked to it like fan made versions of the series anyway that's all for me hope you enjoy.

Wolf Blood.

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Happy 1 Year Anniversary · 2:56am Nov 27th, 2015

It has officially one year since the start of my story and I am seriously awed out on how far I've come. So too everyone reading this thanks for your continued support and I'll see you next chapter.

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100 thumbs up this is totaly EPIC! · 12:46am Jan 3rd, 2015

My story has hit 100 thumbs up thank you wonderful people for your support on my story. You have no idea how special this is thank you all so much.

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