• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon


This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

It's been two years since the necklace hanging from Rarity's chest last glowed.

She believed it would never glow again. She was sure of it, but... just like with fairytales, it looks like she was wrong about that.

This is a humanized re-interpretation/adaptation of the ending of Enchanted Library, written from 1st POV Rarity (the original being Twilight's POV).

Posted today on the 10th anniversary of The Enchanted Library multichapter, which went live on Fimfic February 14th, 2014.

Chapters (1)

Twilight’s greatest enemy and deepest regret are one and the same.

The feeling’s mutual.

Artwork by Maxima

Chapters (3)

If there was one thing about dating Rainbow Dash that Rarity knew, it was this: Rainbow Dash would get herself into situations–so many situations–and half of them would be to honor your love. There is nothing you can do about it, but take it in stride, and love her regardless.

Which Rarity did. Just as much as she sometimes wanted to kill her.

She wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapters (1)

A monster haunts the forest, taking the dead and dying as tribute.

Twilight Sparkle, her kingdom’s finest warrior and scholar, might just be able to save it.

Based on the winning prompt from a tournament on my supporter Discord server: “Bodyguard!AU Twilight meets Vampire!Rarity”

Art by aBleatingEdge

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

The sleepy town of Ponyville had always believed the Myth of the Four Princesses to be, well, exactly that--a myth. But when they're forced to confront that princesses and spirits might be more than just tall tales, a young mare decides she has to see it--and Princess Twilight Sparkle--for herself.

Set sometime during The Enchanted Era. Please read the author's note inside the fic for more information.

Written to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original Enchanted Library oneshot.

Art by Maxi.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

In the final--so help me God--installment of the Enchantedverse, Rarity and Twilight embark on their grandest adventure yet, determined to finally put an end to Discord and free the remaining princesses.

Of course, there's always a hitch in every plan, but luckily for them, if they survived one ghost story, they could surely survive a second.


Final story in The Enchanted Trilogy. Originally used to be the story "The Enchanted Carousel" but the vibes were not good, so I decided to completely restart it. This is the final and actual sequel to Enchanted Kingdom, I swear to GOD. IT ENDS HERE OR ELSE I'M GOING TO--

Cover art by the ever talented Maxi.

Updated bi-monthly on Wednesdays if the God's are good and decide to give me a break for once.

Chapters (3)

At the edge of the darkest night, Celestia remembers a time she taught her sister some goodbyes had to be forever.

Dedicated and inspired by Carabas and his wonderful works.

TW: animal death

Cover art by FUNfaccts

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Diplomacy 101

After being away for an entire year, Twilight reflects on how much she misses home.

Part of the Bodyguard!AU Series, where Twilight is the bodyguard to a "Princess/Queen Rarity".

This ficlet was written as part of the Omega tier reward in my Ko-fi where I write stories based on prompts from supporters!

Chapters (1)

In the dead of the night, staring up at the ceiling, Twilight Velvet wonders if she's a terrible wife.

Ficlet written based on a monthly prompt given by an omega-tier Ko-Fi supporter! Prompt will be posted at the end of the story.

Thank you, Gearcrow!

Chapters (1)