• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon


Twilight Sparkle travels to the underworld in a desperate bid to bring her beloved back from the dead. All she has to do is follow the terms dictated by the underworld goddess.

Simple, right?


Based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Big thanks to the ever wonderful Carabas for editing and also for writing a few descriptions on account of me being a whiny baby who hates describing places.

Chapters (1)

As Rarity stepped into her workroom, her sewing machine stashed in the corner and half-finished designs chucked into an overflowing trashcan, she felt her already hollow heart somehow crumble further, still in denial over one simple fact: 

Rarity used to be a designer. A good one and a bad one all at once.

But... she wasn’t a designer anymore. 

And if she wasn’t a designer, then she had no use to anypony. 

And if she had no use to anypony, she was worthless.

And if she was worthless, she was better off dead.

Thank you to Maxima for the cover art, and to Jykinturah and RBDash for seeing the absolute worst parts of me as I went through hell last year yet staying with me as if it was the most natural choice in the world. Thank you as well to my supporters on KoFi and Patreon for having faith in me even when I didn't.

Chapters (6)

As is tradition post-Twilight-Really-Messed-Up-The-Multiverse, the Prime Rarityship Council has its latest meeting. What bonds these Raritys together? The simple fact that they’re all dating a different member of their close friend group.

Commission for Dimbulb.

Chapters (1)

A relationship cannot be defined in just twelve days, but if Shining Armor and Big Mac had to pick, it would be these.

Written for daOtterGuy for the Enchanted Library Secret Santa 2023!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

Twilight confides in Rarity after both wake up from different nightmares.

Short ficlet set in The Enchanted Library-verse. Having read all the way up to The Enchanted Kingdom is necessary for context and impact, so I wouldn't recommend reading this if you haven't finished that (or don't want spoilers for TEL).

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle brought the human internet to Equestria, among the many consequences, there was one she hadn’t anticipated:

Princess Celestia falling for e-mail scams.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying this is a crackfic, but I'm also not saying that.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Eyes So Dark

In an attempt to relieve her boredom as a prisoner, Rarity convinces Empress Andromeda to let her tag along on a trip to an abandoned town–a town Rarity will discover is a graveyard in more ways than one.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac. Artwork is also by Maxima.

Chapters (1)

Series of drabbles featuring MLP characters based on prompts submitted by readers, including: Therapist Luna, Rainbow Dash having one brain cell, Twilight having a wedding everyone disapproves of, and many more (as I update them)!


Chapters (8)

Trapped in a future where Twilight--now known as Andromeda--has turned into an uncaring, emotionless dark-magic wielding empress, Rarity sometimes contemplates just... you know... accelerating her trip to the heavens, so to speak.

On one such time, she's surprised to find it's Andromeda of all ponies who makes her change her mind.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac (a brief explanation of the AU is inside the story). Artwork is also by Maxima and depicts Andromeda.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Library

Everypony believes in fairytales, right?

Well, not Rarity, but who cares about Rarity Schmarity because THIS story about Rainbow "Awesome" Dash being the first to find a lost princess of legend.

One-shot based on prompts submitted by Ko-Fi Subscribers. Prompt was "Enchanted Library but it's Dash who finds Twilight instead of Rarity".

Chapters (1)