• Member Since 4th Apr, 2021
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Blog Posts

  • 6 weeks
    It's so over.

    The Calamity mod released the bountiful harvest update recently, bringing with it a swatch of new additions and changes.

    Yes, this includes changes to the lore. Which is completely fine, it's their story to do what they want with, but one of the changes is that the Storm Weaver is no longer the same species as the Devourer of Gods.

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    1 comments · 84 views
  • 20 weeks

    A term usually associated with AD/HD, more specifically the HD part.

    I have no official diagnosis, so I'm not going to go around pretending I know everything about it, or that I actually have it, though I have noticed some trends in my behavior.

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    0 comments · 127 views
  • 29 weeks
    2024 Line-up

    So, I've done it. I have completed my line-up for the previous year, and the time has come to make another one.

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    0 comments · 148 views
  • 46 weeks
    Friendship and Giant Worms Q&A

    It is done. Now you may ask.

    Please submit any burning questions you have regarding Friendship and Giant Worms here. I will be actively responding over the next week or so, so get them in quick or risk not getting them answered at all.

    Please mark any plot wise spoilers as spoilers to preserve new readers.

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  • 62 weeks
    For Those Who May Be Wondering

    "Conglomerate! Where did this come from? You didn't say anything about a Western in this year's line-up!"

    It's true, I didn't. This story really came out of the blue.

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    0 comments · 181 views

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It's so over. · 6:57pm June 8th

The Calamity mod released the bountiful harvest update recently, bringing with it a swatch of new additions and changes.

Yes, this includes changes to the lore. Which is completely fine, it's their story to do what they want with, but one of the changes is that the Storm Weaver is no longer the same species as the Devourer of Gods.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

To make small talk

But why are you asking this on my user page?

I don't see why you are asking me this.

How have you been

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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