• Member Since 31st Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


"Monstrous Size Has No Intrinsic Merit. Unless Inordinate Exsanguination Be Considered A Virtue" - Darkest Dungeon

Blog Posts

  • Wednesday
    Teen or mature?

    I have written a mature side story for Pick Me, and I don't know if I should add it to the story and update the rating. If you want it in the main story yell at me, if you think it should stay a side story say so. The side story has some minor plot relevance but I don't think anyone would miss anything important if they skipped it, assuming it does not make it into the main story.

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  • 1 week
    bottling lightning

    So, Lessons learned in the last month and a half of writing. Don't force horse words you don't want to write due to public interest. Don't awkwardly kill stories with sudden departures from what the story was supposed to be. Anyway, now that I have decided that 'Do as I say' is probably the best thing I will write if anyone wants to write an actually good sequel to it feel free.

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  • 2 weeks
    The end of Now You've Been Told.

    I know a lot of you are going to hate the way I ended the story. I accept the inevitable dislikes however I feel that the safe ending would have been boring. There are too many stories afraid to 'rock the boat' as it were. I think I like where it ended, for now, I may write a side story with a quote-unquote good ending depending on if I get any ideas. I do have another story in the works though if that helps make you hate me a little less. :pinkiesad2:

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  • 6 weeks
    Sorry about the wait.

    Life happened and I have had no motivation to write whatsoever. I have a little baby chapter set for tomorrow but I don't know when I will have a full chapter written. I am aiming for a new full chapter by next weekend but that's probably a little optimistic. I hope the wait has not put anyone off of the story.

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  • 11 weeks
    The story is progressing.

    I am working on updating weeklyish. Thank you to those of you who are keeping both Do As I Say and Now You've Been Told on the popular page. I have some very cool stuff on the horizon for this story. I hope that my version of Celestia has not been too OOC, I'm trying to keep the mood relatively light so things feel more punchy when it gets serious. I want to show the more fun side of Celestia even if that means taking some creative liberties with the character. I hope you guys like the

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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Thanks for adding Flames of Hate to your favorites!

Thanks for the follow!

Hey there! Thank you for the follow.

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