• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Insanity is best served with curry and rye.


Sneak peak · 1:32am February 23rd

(2000 years ago)

Lady Rhodonite, Keeper of Order, Sorceress of Secrets, Madam of Crimson, and all the other names and titles that had been granted to her by ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and so many others. None of that seemed to matter at the moment, for all she was at that moment was just a tired and hurt unicorn. She had failed in her duties to protect one of her own, and even though the guilty party was quickly apprehended, the dead would never return.

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I'm a good changeling, slurp. :twilightsmile:

A changeling is watching me! 😱

Thanks 4 the Fave ! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for adding my story Prank Master :pinkiehappy:

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