• Member Since 10th May, 2018
  • offline last seen November 23rd


In the deepest darkness, there are beasts who wear faces stolen from your memories and pluck at the strings in your heart.

Comments ( 27 )
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Thanks for the watch

Thanks for favoriting Tales of the Battle Foals!

Thank you for adding At Your Service to your favorites! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you so very kindly for finding my tale and adding what I have so far to your bookshelf. I appreciate that sincerely, and I do hope the rest of the story entertains as well!

Any chance I could ask you what attracted your attention to it, and if you feel so inclined, what you really enjoyed about it?

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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My ever-expanding list of printed books.

  • Anthropology
  • Last Pony on Earth [Signed]
  • Message in a Bottle (Part 1) [Signed]
  • Past Sins
  • Two Sides of Melody