• Member Since 24th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


a random girl who has been obsessed with MLP since the beginning. if you want an editor, I'm happy to help

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  • 260 weeks
    Questions Answered


    A previous blog post, titled 'Questions', had a question in it: should I rewrite Eclipse High School for Gifted Students? The reason was that (along with inspriation from Hùndùn (once again, definitely recommended) by Morgan Ray Hess) I was a little unsatisfied with it. Now, I've decided to delete and rewrite.

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    0 comments · 318 views
  • 268 weeks
    A Little Change

    In The Elements of the Crystal Empire: Season One, I changed Trixie's role in Boast Busters and gave it to Starlight, and in The Elements of the Crystal Empire, the pony Sunset gave position as her replacement if she didn't come back changed to a blue unicorn . . .

    Me? Planning something?

    Of course not!

    1 comments · 279 views
  • 275 weeks

    I was recently inspired by Hùndùn (definitely recommended) by Morgan Ray Hess and thought about writing something to that nature; but the thing is, Eclipse High School for Gifted Students is very similar to it, just lacks the high-fantasy quality I had in mind. Should I write the fic anyway? Should I delete Eclipse and write the fic? Should I not write the fic?

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    2 comments · 391 views
  • 275 weeks

    I was recently inspired by Hùndùn (definitely recommended) by Morgan Ray Hess and thought about writing something to that nature; but the thing is, Eclipse High School for Gifted Students is very similar to it, just lacks the high-fantasy quality I had in mind. Should I write the fic anyway? Should I delete Eclipse and write the fic? Should I not write the fic?

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    0 comments · 396 views
  • 275 weeks

    I was recently inspired by Hùndùn (definitely recommended) by Morgan Ray Hess and thought about writing something to that nature; but the thing is, Eclipse High School for Gifted Students is very similar to it, just lacks the high-fantasy quality I had in mind. Should I write the fic anyway? Should I delete Eclipse and write the fic? Should I not write the fic?

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    0 comments · 262 views

Questions Answered · 3:52am Aug 2nd, 2019


A previous blog post, titled 'Questions', had a question in it: should I rewrite Eclipse High School for Gifted Students? The reason was that (along with inspriation from Hùndùn (once again, definitely recommended) by Morgan Ray Hess) I was a little unsatisfied with it. Now, I've decided to delete and rewrite.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6

Thanks for adding my story to your library!

Thanks for adding Forgettable to your library.

Thanks for the fave on The Crystal and the Mirage.

Hello, and thank you for the watch! I hope you continue to enjoy my various tales and timelines. :twilightsmile:

*boops your nose* here is a random nose boop :p

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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