• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a gamer above anything else but I do enjoy reading and writing quite a bit. I'm just a writer for fun.


Twilight and Luna, due to a minor incident, are stuck doing a job they would rather not do. They are stuck overseeing a dance for the up and coming future nobles from Celestia's school on what should have been a date night for the two. Whatever shall two very powerful princesses do in this situation?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

cute story and what luna said about wife and mistress is mostly likely true for most of the nobleaity in cantolot

Oh, god. That was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

“Of course. Nothing causes a stampede off of a dance floor like me stepping onto it.”

This line had me cracking up.

Heh, that got some good chuckles out of me. :moustache:

Twilight with a little bit of sociopathic comedy... Heh. :trollestia:

a little bit ooc but still good.

Luna isnt so abrasive, and twilight is not so brash.

As is expected in my stories and noted by the alternate universe tag. Consider it a consequence of author bias if you will.

It's all fine,

good job though.

Thanks. I hope others enjoy it.

the last part with discord make me feel warm that the lord of chaos is trying to help out his "friends" that and not get blame for evertying

Yea, I enjoyed this.
It was rather funny and Twilight and Luna were adorable together.

So good and funny

subtly slipped something she had bought from Applejack and then experimented on to make strong enough for an alicorn to actually feel it into the bowl with a smirk. Teach all those little brats dancing out there to laugh at her when she tried to dance earlier that night.


Well that was cute. If a little bit weird. I wouldn't have pegged Twilight for being the kind to spike the punch, even with good reason.

Well, 'Twi can't dance' jokes stopped being funny in 2011 ... but it's still a cute Tuna fic.
I like this more mischievous incarnation of Twilight.

Twilight has been hanging around Discord to much.

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