• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2011
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Comments ( 27 )
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Sorry to bother you, but according to your comment on the Psych crossover <checks watch> from 12 years ago, Magic, and Mayhem, and... Murder? Oh my..., you wrote:

I'm enjoying your fic so far, and Twilight should consider herself lucky Shawn may be activly insulting and ill behaved things could be far worse. She could be dealing with Monk. Great mind that he is Monk would not take to being in Equestria anywhere NEAR as well as Shawn is.

Guess what was posted a few days ago. :pinkiecrazy: (Though you may have seen it already, as it was featured.)

TMr Monk Goes to Ponyville
Obsessive, compulsive, germophobic, but also a complete GENIUS, Adrian Monk, San Francisco's "Defective Detective" begins the most unusual case of his entire life!
-TheStoryteller- · 6.4k words  ·  86  1 · 1k views

1890289 No promises and I still say Pinkie couldn't find me.

1890264 This IS Pinkie we are talking about.

guesstimatation on update?

1890189 Indeed, though given I'm in Wyoming I think I'm quite safe,. If the other 49 states can't be bothered to give a damn about us how would Pinkie be able to find me? =P

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