• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen July 18th


A brony living in the states that really likes Fallout.


Trioverse Vs Canon Changelings · 1:02am Sep 7th, 2016

Spike is friends with a changeling named Thorax.

So with that episode, a lot of new information was given on changelings:

-Drones can speak pony.
-Changelings aren't limited by the size of what they're shapeshifting into.

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Report MrAlterad · 1,080 views · #Trio-verse

Down Time · 12:42am Sep 7th, 2016

Sorry for the silence and lack of updates for last few weeks. A lot of things were going on, take your pick:

-Work was extra busy.
-My love for Pokemon was reignited.
-Latest WoW Expansion went live.
-Been in a minor depression. (still am)
-Lacking motivation to work on Teal Changeling. (lacking motivation on all fronts actually)
-Worked on another fic that has nothing to do with the Trioverse.

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Teal Changeling: One mooore thing! · 7:15pm Jul 26th, 2016

Regarding tags:

Adventure: Chrys and company are seeing the world and growing for it, while facing adversity. While there are slice of life moments heavily sprinkled in, at its core, this is an adventure story.

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Report MrAlterad · 600 views · #Trio-verse

Teal Changeling Polish: The Second Half · 8:30pm Jul 21st, 2016

There was surprising little I needed to do to the second half of the story, compared to the first. There were a lot of chapters that were fun to read all over again. I’m really proud of 14, 19, and 21. Hopefully 27 will be on the same tier of quality.

Nothing of note was added or changed in chapters 14 through 20.

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Report MrAlterad · 603 views · #Trio-verse

Teal Changeling Polish: The First Half - New Scenes. · 4:26pm Jul 8th, 2016

I've worked over half of the story so far, which means chapters 0-13 have been looked over :twilightblush:. I've added a few things. Tweaked this and that. Fixed big derps. All changes and additions are live, though there are bound to be grammatical errors in 7-13.

So far, three short scenes have been added, which I'll drop beneath this sentence, along with some context. After that, I'll dive into the other nitty gritties:

Chapter 8 - Close Words.

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Report MrAlterad · 600 views · #Trio-verse

Polishing The Teal Changeling · 6:44pm Jun 25th, 2016

Going back over all the chapters of the story to work out some issues that have grown over my own carelessness.
Gonna rub out any plot holes or contradictions. Look over dialogue. Add a scene or two (maybe). And apply any formatting changes I've picked up over the months of working on this little tale.

When I'm finished, I'll post another blog about the changes made, including pointing out the blunders.

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Report MrAlterad · 440 views · #Trio-verse

TC 26- Something about Changelings. Also Lastest MLP Ep. Mini-post. · 9:32pm Jun 14th, 2016

Link! PW: Ghost
Chapter is live on Friday!

Oh my gosh the mini-hiatus has come again!

I liked Spice Up Your Life a lot more than The Gift of the Maud Pie.

I was bothered that Rarity was so close minded concerning trying the food, considering how creative her mind works. I feel a throw-away line would have fixed this.
Pinkie was less crazy than normal, which I like. Loved her this episode.
Gordon Ramsey stole the show. Period.

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Report MrAlterad · 428 views · #Trio-verse

Teal Changeling Chpt. 25 - Between the Princess and the Queen. · 11:41pm Jun 5th, 2016

And will be going live Friday(6/10) afternoon.
If you want to check it out early, well here's the link! Password is Luna

Report MrAlterad · 290 views · #Trio-verse

Teal Changeling Chpt. 24 - Day of Celebration. · 7:30pm May 29th, 2016

The new chapter is finished, and will be going live Friday(6/3) afternoon.
If you want to check it out early, just follow the link. Password is Momo

Sorry for the gap since the previous update. :twilightoops:

Report MrAlterad · 352 views · #Trio-verse

The Fallout Story: · 1:57am May 10th, 2016

The first chapter of Fallout Equestria: New Haven is live. To check it out, follow the link. The password is bestfriend.

The story will go public once the art I've commissioned is done.

Check it out! If you don't mind dark adventure for a mature audience, then I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :twilightsmile: Or if you're not interested, perhaps a friendly thumb up maybe? :pinkiesad2:

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