Why "ArthurPaige"? · 11:44am Jul 2nd, 2020
Hey everyone.
You're probably wondering why a guy named Derrick calls himself "ArthurPaige." I'm here to clear it up.
You see, I had this idea. It was shortly after I was comfortable with liking an awesome show like FiM. I wanted a character that was basically me, but not me. Don't worry, we aren't the same. A few reasons being, he only has one sister, one parent, a child, and he's a criminal. But, beyond that, we are nearly the same.
Thanks for the follow!
3044295 owo
A voice called through the ether and spoke of your name. They told me to keep my eye on you.
No, I read your post in "Supporting OCs" about the fanmade Season 10 project. I assumed you would post updates on that whole shebang so I decided to give you a follow. Plus, you seem like an interesting person.
Thanks for the follow, what drew you to me?