• Member Since 26th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2021


Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. - William Shakespeare

Story Status:

Evening Crown: Active, will receive updates frequently.

Alpha: Brand new story, will receive frequent updates.

Power Of Truth: Undergoing revisions and editing, hopefully it will be ready for new chapters in a week or so.

My Heart Breaks To Heal Your Pain: Sequels are in their beginning stages, but don't expect a release anytime soon. (Writers block at the moment, and I am very occupied with other stories as well).

Eternal Struggle: A History: Chapters for this story are random and emotionally based. Updates will remain sporadic. Possibly will be taken off of my stories page.


A Final Farewell (For now) · 6:06pm Mar 19th, 2021

Well, things haven't gone so well for me lately. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to access this website for the foreseeable future, and all of my writing files are being pillaged. Its really depressing, but I have not and will not give up hope. Worst comes to worst, I can come back in a year when I am off on my own. Hopefully I can still try to check in secretly by using my phone, and possibly change my parents minds about the whole being a brony thing.

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Report Onyourleft · 329 views ·

Some random information:

I love mlp and have enjoyed watching and reading all about it. I am super excited to be a part of the fanbase, and I hope I can contribute to the ever expanding universe. Please send me mail or post a comment if you want to converse or just make a new friend! I really hope to hear from you :twilightsmile:

Show: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Pony: Twilight Sparkle
Genre: Adventure
Color: Sea blue
Sport: Soccer
Music: Hip hop

Gender: Male (Brony :ajsmug:)
Hobbies: Writing, skiing, percussion, soccer, annoying my friends.
Favorite environments: Beach, western mountains, Midwest woodlands.

I hope you can relate to something on the list! I hope we can be friends, after all, friendship is magic.

Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22


And thanks. It's always nice to know your effort is being appreciated. You're awesome. :)

I have seen comments from you on multiple stories I have read, and they have always been very helpful... so I guess I decided to follow you.
It's always nice to see people helping each other out.

So, I have to ask. Why? :D Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining at all. I'm just sincerely trying to understand.

Also, thanks for the follow. :)

Thanks? I guess everyone needs to hear that every once and a while. Btw I think your awesome for telling everyone else that they are awesome... chew on that. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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