• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 2nd, 2020


Um... Hi...


Writing stuff... and music and stuff · 3:35am Sep 5th, 2014

One of my goals this summer was to make a fic... I wish it had happened, if only to see those people that used to be my friends and fans telling me that I'm okay at something even if I could never believe it myself. Music has been... great for me, I'm more well-known now than I ever was before.

...Even if the majority of the people who listen to my stuff don't know it's me. That's the problem with a single name collaboration effort, I suppose.

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Report PegasYs · 637 views · Story: Hope in the Storm ·

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Comments ( 77 )
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2081612 I'm alive, and making music lel

Can I talk to PegasYs about the future of "A Dream Come True"?

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

Your stories. They please me. Have a watch! :derpytongue2:

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