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An author slowly going mad from the tale that has taken over their life. News at 11. Now Accepting Tips in my Tip Jar!


This story is a sequel to Cross the Rubicon: Choices

From the beginning, Spike was there, watching, listening...knowing things that he could tell no one.

He knew something bad had happened. He knew something was off about Sunset Shimmer. He knew something was hurting Twilight. But no matter how much he barked or howled, he could never explain what he knew to anyone--they would never understand him.

It didn't mean he wouldn't try.

He would give everything he had to protect his human.

A companion piece to my main story, Cross The Rubicon: Choices , from the perspective of Spike the dog.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 40 )

This is before her reformation right? I wonder if Spike can smell something different post harmony blast to the face?

Spike is the best of boys. But his "bad thing" and Sunset smelling like it, this close to her rainbow blast? Did Twilight put herself, or find herself, in danger of those thugs because of the dark magic of CP? Or was Spike somehow picking up on Sunset all the way at CHS?

Either way this looks good. We know he warms up to Sunset, but it does take him a bit.

i think its more like he had that instinctual feeling something gone wrong and he didn't know Sunset was the one who saved her. He could smell the bad guy's smell on Sunset so mistook her as the actual bad guy or he sense the negative magic on Sunset and yeah this chapter IS set before the first movie so post first movie Sunset might be smelling different probably

Getting into the mindset of a newborn puppy must've been interesting to write. I like it

iirc, the attack in the park happened post-rainbow blast so the second half of this chapter is after the first movie. But I do agree, Bad Thing on Sunset is either the scent of the actual bad guys, or the lingering dark magic from her demon transformation.

I think you did an amazing job of conveying Spike's puppy mindset.

The end part with Twi was also really heartwarming.

Spike's desperation to keep Twilight safe in the second half of the chapter was so gut-wrenching, because we know what happens that night.

And the fact that Spike can sense Sunset's demonic transformation makes a lot of sense. After all, the trope evil-detecting dog exists for a reason.

The prologue and first half of chapter one are actually several years before the events of Rubicon. The latter half of chapter one literally takes place the night of the formal and the week following.


Its a little bit of both, truthfully. Animals—especially dogs and cats—are reputed to have a sensitivity to metaphysical phenomena. There are plenty of stories that talk about how pets react to houses or buildings with (particularly malicious) hauntings or presences, and how they seem to be able to predict certain disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis and tornados. So he is perceiving something that he only knows is “Bad” that could hurt his people.

It was a fun writing exercise, getting into the mindset of something not just nonhuman but an animal whose perceptions are vastly different.

You are correct.

Small Spike was fun to write. And im glad tiny Twilight made people get fuzzies for her and Spike.

Yes. He was desperate to protect his human, and knowing it was doomed to fail was…part of the punch i wanted for the chapter. And yes, the history of animals detecting the wooj is long standing.

I've read other stories about different perspectives of characters. I think this is the first I've seen or at least the first time I've read one for Spike. This will be a great companion piece.

Well this sure caught my interest. Shame I ran out of chapters to read in this story.

Please write more! Not enough Puppy Spike on this site!

i would love for this spike to go through the portal just to be able to give them all an ear full as a dragon

Sunset-Protector gets pack-cuddles from Spike!

I love that you follow the idea that dogs can see things we can't. Such a good concept. Also interesting seeing from this perspective the "The Good Thing" operating outside of Sunset.

Honestly, I still love how this is written, and Spike's designations for all of his humans. I feel Spike is going to sense a lot of Bad Thing (if such is Spike's term for dark magic) on Twilight in the next bit, and more Good Thing on Sunset (if that is either harmonic magic or Equestrian magic), and grow increasingly worried for Twilight, grateful for Sunset doing her best to keep Bad Thing away from Twilight but struggling to varying degrees. No wonder Spike sided with Sunset in the latest chapter...
Though, given Spike's terminology, I wonder if it will change if/when he gains the ability to speak.

Spike did not approve. She stank of The Bad Thing, of guilt and pain, and she knew it. She seemed the only two-leg that felt what he did. His Twilight deserved a mate who didn’t bring those things to the den. Not that any of the pack listened to him.

“two leg” Now I have to ask if you’ve ever read warrior cats


And Spike was afraid that if they did not male things right…

(btw i think this is meant to be make not male :p)

Ooh, Spike wants to help... somehow.
Quite the perceptive little pup.

Dogs have long been symbols of protection and good. Looks like Spike's going to have to step up and become worthy of that reputation.

Give Spike the best treats, belly rubs, and head pats!

Spike gonna bite some fools to protect his pack! Get him a juicy bone to munch on later! :heart:

Spike off the save the world, and his people in the process. Here is hoping nothing bad happens to him. Because this look into his mind, and who and what his girls are facing, has gotten me stupidly worried about him.

Love to all our furry friends who sometimes know what we need before we do.

How he wished he could speak like a two-leg, to tell her in her own kind’s way of sharing, what was wrong.

you may just get your wish yet buddy

I know it probably would have changed up the story (here and Rubicon), but Spike would have been an expert at using those button press sound boards to communicate that some pets have been using for the last few years.

Yeah, fuck em up Spike!

Ah, man, this has me so hyped for Sunset's return. Also, you did an amazing job through Cassandra's Cry portraying the idea of a dogs perspective, and has made this story all the better.

Spike's gonna bite some fools and lick some faces... and there's a whole lot of fools!

"Duke Nukem intensifies"

Wonder if Cadency actually took note of Spike killing things O.o

Spike really is a good boy. Hoping soon he becomes a good boy who can talk too.

the goodest boy,,, he deserves many pets

I love how Spike is running towards the pissed off teen who could burn you to a crisp, knowing she won't hurt him, given her ire is towards her dark and foul enemies.
If Spike ends up talking, he can actually voice his thoughts.

The fae will know fear when the Goodest Boy goes to war.

I am Spike! Descendant of the Mighty Wolf! I will protect the pack and destroy the enemies who threaten because I am Mighty!

Spike... you're a good boy but you're a terrier.

A Mighty Terrier!

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