• Member Since 17th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2023


Real life is overated, and sanity is not required. And mountains actually don’t exist.

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Your welcome Hat!

Tips Fedora.

I see you have added my story "Reaping Rainbow" to the bookshelf "Stupidly Funny for the Sake of It."

This is easily the most appropriate bookshelf it could have been added to. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the Watch.

Hey, if you’re a fan of AstroMouse’s My Little Punnies, please consider checking out my own anthology of debatably clever wordplay, Ruined for Pun.


2109269 Well, there is a second installment. It's split into two branches so far. One of my own design, one created by a fan who I've allowed onto the team of authors for the series. Check out the sequels section on the fic. Book 2A should at least be there (2A is mine, 2B belongs to the other author).


I would LOVE to see future installments of this series!

Thanks for the fave on The Conversion Bureau EarthGate Saga: Through the EarthGate! What did you like about it? Is there anything you'd like to see in future installments? And if you haven't done so already, please leave an upvote, too!

Thanks for adding Rift to your favourites! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!

Why hello there, new FIMFiction user! Welcome to the premiere site for MLP fan fiction!:pinkiehappy:

Amusementist, if you have any questions about how the site works, then please don't be afraid to ask me. I'm glad to be of service, and we are all glad that you've joined on!:twilightsmile:

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So. · 7:13pm Apr 8th, 2019

I’m assuming no one really cares about this little account anymore. Heck, I’m pretty sure all the views on my blogs are due to the amount of times I visit my own page. So that’s nice I guess. But uh, I’ve got a new story I’m working on so that should be out soon.

Report Amusementist · 221 views · #waluigi

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