• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 17th

Azure Sandora

I write sins... NOT tragedies. Link to Patreon


This story is a sequel to Inner Demons

Play this song first!

After saving Equestria, Apple Bloom had to return to her proper age and say good-bye to the stallion she instantly fell in love with. They promised to be together in ten years, when Apple Bloom is an adult mare. In the meantime Apple Bloom is forced to return to a normal life as best as she can.

Between protecting her best friend, a stressful relationship with her sister, new unusual ponies moving to Ponyville, changes at the farm, and signs that her journey isn't over yet, Apple Bloom is in for a long ten years.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 172 )

First Year: 10 Years Left
A Friendship has started between Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara.

Ps: :yay: It is finally here. :yay:

*inhale* (prepare for shitstorm of cheering)


PS. That was pretty much a perfect quote of what I said when I saw this.

Edit: My post looks like some over-active monkey bashed it's face on the keyboard very successfully ._.

Okay, read the first chapter, took a bit longer because I was rocking it so hard.

This here is my favorite song ever, and this story deserves this song:

Isn't exactly a new story but it's good to see it here. Are you rewriting it then posting or copy-pasta?

Is it necessary to read Fragments of Truth in order to read this one?
I never did get around to reading that, but I definitely want to read this. :pinkiehappy:


It's probably not necessary to read Fragments of Truth to understand 10 years, but odds are both will need to be read in order to understand Inner Demons 2.

Its like oneof those books where youdont understand unless you read the otherside or about that other character, its realy good! :twilightsmile:

2373418 Waaaaaaaait...
so this ain't Inner Demons 2... WELL FUCK THAT IT'S STILL AWESOME!


But I still feel stupid ._.

Edit: Aw fuck me... I'm confused, I haven'r read a blog-post well enough it seems...

*explodes with happiness* Its here!

2373202 Nu uh, you don't need to understand Fragments of Truth to understand this story. Both 10 Years and Fragments of Truth are in between Inner Demons 2, so they're necessary to understand that story, and it IS necessary to read Inner Demons to understand either of these, but they're both separate stories that are intertwined and meant to highlight and introduce characters that'll be important in Inner Demons 2.

Automatic fave, because I read this back on Fanfiction.net. After this and Fragments of Truth, I seriously am looking forward to Inner Demons 2, as well.

Alright, thanks! :pinkiehappy:
I loved Inner Demons, and will definitely read the sequel, but for some reason never got around to reading Fragments of Truth. :derpyderp2:
At the very least, I'll read this one for now (Apple Bloom is best Inner Demons character :heart:), and I'll probably burn through Fragments of Truth right around the time Inner Demons 2 comes out. :twilightsheepish:

2374682 You're welcome.

Just think of these stories like Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. In order to understand Kingdom Hearts 2, you HAVE to play Chain of Memories. Me and my sister always bust on a friend of ours because he didn't play Chain of Memories.

:facehoof: = my reaction.

Oh gosh. It must be terrible having adult urges when you look like ,or are, 10 years old. *shudders*

2376975 Age wise they're about twelve to thirteen now. Not too bad, but still...

Granny Smith? Dead? You can't-but- She can't die! *starts to panic* Granny Smith can't die! She's- she's- oh my goodness. She's dead. *sobs*

2377167 Would you like a hug?

2377167 *hugs you before Sapphire can*

2377303 *hugs you as well*

Second Year: 9 Years Left
The Wedding of Big Macintosh and Fluttershy

Third Year: 8 Years Left
Granny Smith passes on.

So this is here... Was this somewhere else first?

It seems familiar.

Good stuff. Heart-wrenching, to be sure. :applecry:
I can't help but wonder why Lezard can't just move in to Sweet Apple Acres, rather than Apple Bloom moving to Canterlot.
They could use an extra set of hooves, and it's not like they don't have the room.
Hell, it'd make a perfect little home for Apple Bloom and Lezard. Y'know, where they could spend the rest of their lives together...
Marriage! Make them get married!

In any case, Lezard should totally move to the farm.
Even if he has research to do or something, Twilight did research in Ponyville for years. It's not hard to set up a little laboratory.

Awww... you guys are sweet. *hugs both of you*

Typical high school group.:trixieshiftleft: I should have seen that coming. Plus, an evolving cutie mark. Works for me.:moustache:

Fourth Year: 7 Years Left
The High School Five Pony Group of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Sliver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara.

2378970 The evolving cutie mark is technically canon. If you remember, Filthy Rich had a different cutie mark in Granny Smith's flashback then he usually does.

Please tell me that this story has a happy or at least bittersweet ending. Don't make us cry too much.




Diamond Tiara is in love with Applebloom! And AB being in love with someone else, doesn't notice it! :applejackconfused: :applecry: :twilightoops:

Fifth Year: 6 Years Left
An indecent at Canterlot involving Diamond Tiara with hints at something bad happening in 6 years.

2379616 You're right. However, the timeline is more like:

Inner Demons ---> 10 Years ---> Fragments of Truth (takes place during the last year of 10 Years) ---> Inner Demons 2.

You update really fast. Are you on steroids?Hmm?:duck:

2379862 Like with Inner Demons, 10 Years is finished already, so I'm just moving the story. Fragments of Truth I'm actually writing chapter for chapter.

10 Years has arrived on FIMfiction!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:
Wow! This story might actually make me start to like Diamond Tiara as a character (and that's saying a lot!). :rainbowderp:

"ninety-nine point ninety-eight percent"

Should be "ninety-nine point nine-eight percent" :twilightsmile:

The parentheses really tear me out of the story...
For example:

She ran back to the hotel, hoping to run into Diamond Tiara along the way, but instead saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo running to the hotel as well (Sweetie Belle wearing a red version of her black dress from Inner Demons).

It would be far better if you could avoid them completely. They rarely have any place in literary writing.
I know you've already written this story, so you probably won't go back and change it, but this is just for future reference.
It's really not that hard to... y'know, actually write a story, rather than bullet points.

She ran back to the hotel, hoping to run into Diamond Tiara along the way, but instead saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo running to the hotel as well. Sweetie was wearing a beautiful red dress that showed off her cutie mark. As with most of her outfits, it was cut in a way that was suggestive enough to turn heads, while still maintaining an air of class.

Bam! Short, sweet, and to the point. It's really not all that good, seeing as I spent 3 seconds thinking of it, but it's a hell of a lot better than parentheses.
Now, I don't remember what the dress in Inner Demons looked like, and I'm gonna let you in on a little secret; no one else does either!
Saying it's "the dress from Inner Demons" is a useless description. It provides no mental image, unless the person just read Inner Demons and remembers the dress. (That's why I simply made up my own mental image, as reflected above.)

Meh, I'm here anyway. Why not do the second one?

Fluttershy and Silver Spoon ran out of the hotel with worried expressions (Silver Spoon had Daisy at her side).

This, once again, looks awful. The parentheses need to go!

Fluttershy and Silver Spoon ran out of the hotel with worried expressions on their faces, and Daisy trailing along at Silver Spoon's side.

Whamo! Easy fix. Once again, not that good, but anything is better than parentheses.

Every time you put parentheses in a story as a cop-out of actual writing, I die a little inside.


Sixth Year: 5 Years Left
Flim & Flam saves Sweet Apple Acres from going under.

"Um, is ev'rything alright?" Macintosh asked when he noticed the two mares walking toward the door (Fluttershy slyly moved her wings in front of Apple Bloom so they woudn't see her crying)

I think I ranted enough about that last chapter.

Something else then.
I have to say, I'm not a big fan of polygamy.
It's weird, and it really clashes with the show universe.
Oh well, as long as it doesn't become the focus of this story, I can just ignore it.

Shipping Flim & Flam's Good Guy Greg-versions with Applejack?
I'm strangely much okay with this o_O

Well, it is kinda hard not to love a pony with bacon-mane...


Did I really just say that ._.

:raritydespair:...If you will excuse me, I'm going to go sit in the corner and start crying. *starts sobbing* :fluttercry:

As far as Apple Bloom knew she was still a virgin, but she didn't know for sure.

She'd better be! *loads shotgun* Or else the high school is going to be one colt short! :twilightangry2:

You're talking about ruining the life of a young mare over something she doesn't even have control over! If she is the pony born on that day then it's not because she wants to be!


Wow! I was not expecting this act of kindness from the Flim Flam Brothers.

Seventh Year: 4 Years Left
Apple Bloom heads to senor prom with her friends.

Eighth Year: 3 Years Left
Apple Bloom promises to protect Diamond Tiara.

*loads shotgun and chases Brass Knuckles* GET BACK HERE AND GET WHATS COMING TO YOU!!! :twilightangry2::twilightangry2:

I don't... understand everything that I feel about you... but..." she looked into Apple Bloom's eyes letting her tears flow freely, "I love you

:twilightoops: Didn't see that coming.
Edit: Actually I did see that coming. It was around 11:15 when I read the chapter so that was just my exhausted brain talking. :derpytongue2:

2387487 Only 11 chapters. It's a short story, and it gives me something to upload while working on Fragments of Truth.

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