• Member Since 17th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen March 20th


Welcome to main page readers! my name is Floral Essence (aka NinjaMare), and here you will find mostly HiE fics, among other kinds of fics. hopefully you all enjoy what I have to offer.

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Blog Posts

  • 122 weeks
    another Update

    good morning/evening/or night everyone. this is going to be a small update, nothing to major but....somethings in my life are, lets just say not very hospitable at the moment. that's why there's been so few updates to any of my fics as of late, but you may have noticed that some of my fics have some of their chapters say they were edited. until I'm in more positive, and healthier space I will continue to write new chapters for my stories. but for now, I'll be making Edits to some of my fics.

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    1 comments · 549 views
  • 135 weeks
    An Update

    hello everyone, Ninjamare or Floral Essence here with an update that is honestly long overdue.

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    1 comments · 457 views
  • 147 weeks
    My Own Review On The New MLP Movie

    before I get into this little Review, note that if you have not seen the movie before reading this and you don't want to be spoiled, then don't read this. you have been forewarned. if you don't care for spoilers, then here is my little review.

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    2 comments · 268 views
  • 168 weeks
    Update time.

    hello my gracious readers, its your favorite flowery writing mare NinjaMare, and guess what time it is. it's time for an update! now this is going to be a relatively short one, but here is what's going on my home page, and the stories I got posted.

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    3 comments · 596 views
Comments ( 149 )
  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149

I really hope that you'll enjoy my new story once you read it

Thanks for adding my latest story to your list.

Thanks for adding my story to your list.

  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149
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