• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
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Gouka Suzaku


Wow... I'm doing a lot of these blogs, ain't I? · 6:29am Feb 4th, 2013

Don't worry, it won't become common... I hope...

honestly, i know you guys have been waiting WAAAAAAAY too long for the rewrite of Elements, and i'm REALLY sorry about that. i've got lots of ideas for that, and i promise i'll get to them sooner or later. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye... *glances around warily for a pink ball of pony fluff*

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Comments ( 8 )
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Thanks for the fave on An Apple Studded Diamond :eeyup:

Edit: And a special thank you for being fave number 300 for that story. :pinkiehappy:

168186oh..well..ok then :fluttershysad:

168153 sadly, no. or maybe that's a good thing? in all honesty, i post them ASAP when i get them done :pinkiesmile:

168092 i read the post but since your an author of a story i expected you to have magic powers and to have like 20 chapters that your just hiding from your loyal fans

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