Hello Vito. Can you read this. Hello after a 6 month break from Fimfiction, I’m back. I know a lot of people are understandably gonna give me dislikes. But I’m going to tell this I no longer like the MLP 2 part series finale “The Ending of the End.” I haven’t seen it for about 2 years from now. But I now dislike the Grogar twist and I dislike Cozy being turned to stone for eternity. I’m also aware of toxic I was before last year and I would rather not return to it. I truly am sorry and I plan not to do it again.
Also I now think Cozy being turned to stone for eternity (the show implied it to be forever) is disturbing. Can we be in good terms with each.
Really sad to see your deviantart is gone! I really enjoyed your artwork. It was some very well done mlp art!
What happened to your deviantart? I loved your work.
Hey Vito I made these, what do you think?
Hello Vito. Can you read this.
Hello after a 6 month break from Fimfiction, I’m back. I know a lot of people are understandably gonna give me dislikes. But I’m going to tell this I no longer like the MLP 2 part series finale “The Ending of the End.” I haven’t seen it for about 2 years from now. But I now dislike the Grogar twist and I dislike Cozy being turned to stone for eternity. I’m also aware of toxic I was before last year and I would rather not return to it. I truly am sorry and I plan not to do it again.
Also I now think Cozy being turned to stone for eternity (the show implied it to be forever) is disturbing. Can we be in good terms with each.
Hey, thanks for the follow!