I Lost Interest in Fimfiction · 5:49am Feb 7th, 2023
Hey guys I didn’t know what good title I should put. This isn’t a blog about deleting my Fimfiction account (probably never will). This is about me losing interest in being at Fimfiction. These are points for how I plan to use Fimfiction less.
-Last year ago and other years before, I made a lot of group threads. This year and in the future, I no longer plan on making group threads. I fully lost interest in making them.
It’s the New Year now 2024. I’m not that excited, I also changed my description.
I also can’t stop regretting and cringing at this post I made in my dark ages, guess that it’s the only archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20210807084743/https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214033/era/thread/475456/why-i-was-acting-awful.
Hey if you noticed, I edited something out in this forum. I no longer want to associate with the guy mentioned before there. He is just overly negative about basically everything and has other issues that I don’t want to discuss further.
Hello I have left all the groups here in FimFiction. I don’t plan to go back or join any groups in this website. I just lost fully interest in joining and being in them.
Here is a blog post telling how I lost interest in being at Fimfiction.
Hey I would like to let you know that on January 21, it’s my Birthday, I’m turning 19 years old.