• Member Since 29th Jan, 2024
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Too many ideas. If only I could write them all...

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  • 2 weeks


    "Yes, Ollie?"

    "Where are we?"


    "I have no idea."

    10 comments · 116 views
  • 2 weeks
    One Year


    I just noticed that It's been one year since I first joined FimFiction and the MLP fandom proper, and by Faust's mighty quill, a lot has changed since then, hasn't it?

    You know, when I first got into the show, I had... let's just say, a few "reservations" on it. Over a decade of internet history has taught me of the controversies and darker sides of this fandom, and me, being an outsider, was less than keen on really getting into it.

    Boy am I glad I was wrong.

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    4 comments · 120 views
  • 6 weeks
    Message Recieved: Lady Inquisitor Trixie Lulamoon-Ordo Xenos-[URGENT!]

    Ave Harmonia.

    This message has been sent to report of a recently encountered Tartarean anomaly within the Segmentum Tempestus, towards the galactic South from Holy Equus.

    A rift of approximately 15,000 km in diameter manifested at the attached coordinates.

    About 30 minutes after the rift had formed, three celestial bodies emerged from within. It took an additional 45 minutes for all three to fully pass.

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    5 comments · 145 views
  • 7 weeks


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  • 10 weeks
    Timeline Thing-a-ma-jig


    Hello there!
    I'm making this blog post as a sort of update on what's been going on with my stories and my fairly obvious lack of activity recently.

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    6 comments · 267 views

The Green God's Experiments


Hm? · 1:36pm February 3rd


"Yes, Ollie?"

"Where are we?"


"I have no idea."

Comments ( 31 )
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Yes, the Bow Tie in her Mane was,a Dead Give Away.


It also gives Celestia a glimpse of the Horrifying Future that Daybreaker told her about while the other ponies will just think it's just a very well made fictional story.

You want Daybreaker to traumatize her players?

What a wickedly splendid idea! I'll put that into consideration.

And fitting for the filly and mare NPCs too. Have you perhaps noticed any similarities between their descriptions and two fairly well-known apple themed ponies?

Hi :derpytongue2:
Sorry to bother you but I thought of a cool idea 💡 that could happen in the next chapter in "I'm a Badass Fire Horse"

Like after the Gang save the Filly and save other ponies from the Cave, I thought of something Tragic that would give the players 🤔 a greater impact of the actions they chosen in the Ogres and Oubliettes game.

(U can take this Idea 💡)

The Filly asked if they could find their Dad while they tey ro rescue other ponies, of course they agreed.

While exploring the cave and saving a few ponies, they notice something unusual...

There's was light in the distance and the smell of blood...

The Adventures carefully walked their and discovered several ponies in a Mental Cage, and 6 Dead Ponies of the floor.
Turns out it was a Cult, and it's unknown what their trying to do, the Adventures new they have to stop them right away before any other ponies gets killed.

After fighting for a while and trying to free the ponies, they notice one of the Dead Ponies look familiar to a Description that the Filly told them what her Dad looked like.

Oh no, they thought. One of them is gonna have to tell the little Filly that her Dad is dead... after bringing back all the Rescue Ponies and Dead Bodies back to the village.

The Hospital Staff instantly check up on the Adventure and Rescue Ponies for any injuries, the little Filly looked around asking if they have seen his Dad.

Before any Creature could stop her, it's already too late. She saw her Dad's Dead Bloody Body and she cried so hard that the little Filly falls asleep.

The other Dead Bodies has been found by other family members and friends as well.

After recovering from the whole ideal, the Adventures learned that the little Filly has been adopted by her Dad's Best Friend. And the ponies they rescued thank them.

The Cult that the Adventures just fight... even though they mostly captured all of them. Of of them manage to escape from Prison before the Guards could interrogate them for information or execute.

For doing Illegal Stuff and Murdere of many innocent ponies across the Country, turns out the Cult that the Adventure just captured is just one of the Minor Groups.

There's a full blown Organizations of them, and the Guards been trying to shut them down for a while know.

P.S I can imagine Daybreaker making the Illusion Horrifying on what the Players just witness on the the Cult Did or the Heart Breaking Scene with the little Filly.

Like Daybreaker can show an Illusion of the little Filly having her whole world 🌎 fall apart from despair, in front of the players and good Acting Skills.

And than left with a Cliff Hanger, leaving the Players wanting to play more to know what happens next.

And have a POV of their thoughts on the Characters.

remember to eat a banana. the potassium is good for you.


  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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