• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Dragonborne Fox

It's one thing to create/throw already-established characters in a story of some kind. It's another thing to develop those characters, regardless of the situation they're in.


This story is a sequel to Spoiled Desserts

Yet another Arcane sidestory, set three weeks after Spoiled Desserts, and during Arc VI. Features slightly more crossover elements than the previous, and a lot more lore-heavy. Tagged teen to be safe.

Chancellor Neighsay knew that there were unanswered questions about Mythos’ sister world, Fantasia—only a hoofful of which had recently been answered, thanks to a school report from a seemingly unassuming town. So many questions about a culture, a people, a lifestyle that, until a few months ago, was left unable to be answered. Pairing that up with a rather… unfortunate newspaper article and vicious rumors circulating about Equestria only raised further questions about the sister world's populace; questions that would be stymied with every attempt to even replicate an answer. Thus, he is forced to head straight to the Princesses themselves, and see if they knew anything. But would he be ready, or even willing, to accept that burden of knowledge when it is ultimately presented to him?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cutie Mark Crusaders Fantasian City-State Historians, YAY!!!!!!

Spoiled Rich thought she had it all—an obedient daughter emulating her every whim, a dutiful, rich husband whom she kept in the dark about many things, and a nice, cushy job as the Superintendent of Ponyville's school board. Yet one report done by three fillies undermined her authority—dared to question it, even. Worse, she had been summoned by the Equestrian Education Association, for slights real and perceived. The question is, can she come out of this meeting with the EEA, and still smell like roses?

*Takes place during Arc VI of Arcane Shadow, but not tagged Crossover because it features very little crossover elements. Tagged teen for Karen levels of entitlement. Edited by Kiernan. Cover art by cheezedoodle on Derpibooru. I think I may have started an entire flippin' universe now...

Chapters (1)

Faust and Godcat help me I'm writing an Arcane Shadow sidestory make it stop. Teen/dark for some themes congruent to Arcane, but not enough for a higher rating. Takes place during Arc VI of Arcane Shadow, and contains spoilers therein. Tagged with profanity for later chapters, coming from the Fantasian side of the fence. I will be updating in bursts; when I finish a whole day, and it's been combed through, all three parts of that day are gonna get uploaded simultaneously. Preread and edited by Samey90

Autumn break has come to the schoolchildren of Ponyville, and the foals are left scratching their heads and hooves as they stumble about mane over tail to find just the right place to make their brand new essay—that's due the first day after the break ends. The assignment? Find and gather the history of a given locale or country, summarised and with references all neat and tidy. The catch? Whoever does one on a Fantasian country or somesuch will receive extra credit; group projects are allowed, and even encouraged.

Naturally, given the fact that the barrier between the sister planets only recently broke, uh… oh, some months ago—who bothers to keep track of these things, and who expects a bored child to do that? Most adults certainly wouldn't, even outside of Ponyville's borders—there's no way to do the deed. Nu-uh, not in the grooves of Celestia's front left horseshoe and certainly not within Luna's front right. So how is it that mere schoolchildren are able to hitch a ride to and back between the planets, when they can't afford their own air vessel with the horsepower to take them to and fro within the span of a week?

With a little bit of chaotic magic from Discord, the CMC find themselves transported to the Fantasian militaristic city-state of Irongrey Aerie to complete their assignment—unwittingly, the same exact night Lance, the Bearers of Harmony and their combined cohorts return from an expedition to Greenwood gone catastrophically wrong. After receiving word of the project, its nature, and what exactly is needed to complete it, Lance complies… but whom does he assign to watch the CMC as they fill their papers with the necessary knowledge being stuffed into their ears?

Katie Rubywing, recently-conscripted ice wraithling that's also older than they are. May Godcat and Faust have mercy on her.

Chapters (27)

**A commission for Starlight Nova, who requested a fic featuring his Nightmare Pony OCs. Takes place Post-Tirek, but before Starlight Glimmer's Timey-Wimey Rampage™. Tagged teen and dark for an oddball: the Nightmares being named after phobias and bad things, barring some exceptions. Also implications of said bad things.**

A long-isolated kingdom sits and stews, waiting for its chance to shine as the shadows of the past threaten to consume it. After carefully gauging the situation and his options, King Cauchemar decides to enact his plan, one brought on a whim with seeds long ago planted in the grim reality of the Kingdom of Nightmaria. The catch? Equestria must be conquered, after being scouted out thoroughly for any and all weakpoints.

The equine citizens must pay their toll, in full. Nightmaria will sit idly by no longer, as other kingdoms bask in the wonderful light of the sun. Thus, he sends the Champions of Nightmaria out to probe and poke for weaknesses in the Equestrian line of defense. What little his scouts have relayed to him don't bode particularly well for the Equestrians—over-reliance on Elements of Harmony, useless guards, and so on don't exactly do international wonders.

Though unbeknownst to him and his Champions, there might just be a reason why Equestria has stood the test of time.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves

**Contains heavy spoilers for Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves. You have been aptly warned. Also, my first E-rated fic in forever. Other tag used because the OCs in this story aren't mine.**

With Monarch Inc. dispensed with, and all of its hassles tidied up, life returns to some semblance of normal. All's well that ends well, right?

Not so for one business tycoon by the name of Iron Hoof; in fact, 'all's well that ends well' is but a far cry thanks to recent happenings. A phrase that stands in direct contradiction to his current reality. Having just learned of all that has gone down, he decides to pay his only colt—and sole successor of his business empire—a little visit in the clink. Yet after all this time, spent managing a growing business, a question lingers: why does he decide to do so now? Surely this'll just be a simple visit... right?

Chapters (3)

In the dead of night, mere weeks after World War II had ended, two young people find themselves chasing an unidentified something out of morbid curiosity. When that something ditches them and they come across a suspicious-looking painting, they soon find themselves thrown head-first into a bizarre world that is, in many ways, similar to their own. Magic is plentiful here in this world, and just the perfect stage on which to set a complex chaotic scheme.

Fortunately—or perhaps unfortunately—the two people who end up surrounded by talking pastel horses also happen to be vampire hunters. And they did not come alone.


Crossover with Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, taking place a full year after the game. A collaboration with Butterfield Pancake. This story was originally on his account, but has been moved to mine for major editing and polishing purposes. Tagged teen, sex, and gore for innuendo and mild violence and bloodshed. This story will have comedic moments to contrast the dark. Human tag for obvious reasons.

Chapters (4)

In ancient times, there was a dark legend revolving around four crystals of yore. Not many knew of this legend, and worse still, that number dwindled. When three people find themselves dragged head-first into a complex scheme on a seemingly-average day, they find that one of their own holds a very important relic. How important, though, they don't know. But they do know that the relic must be kept safe—much to their frustration.

The questions are as plentiful as the bricks that make an entire castle, and one's always more confusing than the next. But when the forces that lurk in the shadows begin stirring, the answers the trio seek may be few and far in between—because in this era, when things escalate, they tend to escalate into matters of life and death.

And they also tend to escalate very, very quickly.


Inspired by a dream I had last night, which was heavily Final Fantasy-themed. A bit odd, yes, but still a story I feel needs to be penned. Tagged Anthro for calling individuals mares/stallions or pegasus/unicorn/earth-clanned, and groups people. Updates will be irregular. Gore tag will be scarcely used, and in small amounts.

Chapters (3)

A bunch of short stories, poems, and story prompts. What else is there? Maybe a variant. Who knows.

Tagged teen and random because there's a chance a teen-related prompt could get in here, and no two prompts, poems, and short stories are exactly alike. Could be changed to mature later. Random not because it's random, but because the prompts have a very high chance of being different genres. Different genres will be noted in chapter titles.

Chapters (4)

Eons ago, fiends fought over six crests that were forgotten by time, and ponies took over since then. The Tree of Harmony has been destroyed, and the Elements the branches held were nowhere to be found. None could pin a culprit to this heinous crime. When Twilight receives a half-blank book that's illegible, she gets attacked by a creature seen not by her eyes before.

Would the book, illegible as it is, as well as the first battle that would serve to thrust her into more battles to come and unanswered questions, have something to do with the missing Elements of Harmony?

Crossover with Demon's Crest, wherein crossover elements will play out much more heavily in later chapters, as will the dark element. Tags will change as needed. More vivid battle scenes, but not too vivid, will show up later on in later chapters as well. Coverart done entirely by me. Updates will be irregular.

Chapters (3)

It was a normal day...until a rift opened. How will two black-and-red ponies react to the threat that drops down from said rift?


A collab with MetaKnight145. Again. I am merely using Mykan's 'ponies,' Wind Waker, CogWing's First Light, and ERich935's Star Blade for this story. Other tag used for OC's that don't belong to me, and crossover tag applies to Wind Waker's Zelda-ish shenanigans. Anthro applies to Mykan's ponies.

Chapters (1)