• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Dragonborne Fox

It's one thing to create/throw already-established characters in a story of some kind. It's another thing to develop those characters, regardless of the situation they're in.


Made A DA Alternative · 4:28pm April 11th

I now has an Inkblot, but because I tagged it NSFW in setting up the account and making it visible, I don't think I can link it. However, it uses the same username as the one I run here. That being said, while I can take commissions over there too, I'm still in the protracted process of slowly moving my art from DA to there, due to the AIpocalypse.

Report Dragonborne Fox · 70 views ·

Request FAQ! · 9:55pm Dec 31st, 2023

So I said I'd be doing this thing, and by Godcat, Faust, and the Sweet Creator I'm doing it. For starters, requests will be separate from commissions, in that I can do these when I have nothing better to do, however there will be some caveats as to what I can and cannot do. That being said, the will nots of my commission FAQ (fetish art and/or Displaced-related) and such will apply here, with an additional lien on most NSFW request art in general unless otherwise specified. Similarly,

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Merry Christmas! (+IRL Update) · 3:44pm Dec 25th, 2023

So, last month, I'd landed another job. Far, far more chill than the previous two put together, in regards to both peopling and the alloted tasks for the day. Paid weekly, all that jazz, even if it's only two shifts per week (though I can offset this a little by taking up offered shifts for other people using a phone app, yey.) In addition, I completed a 100$ commission a few weeks ago, for a published book cover! So once that publishes, I can raise my commish rates, as I'll then be a published

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So... (IRL update) · 2:45pm Oct 11th, 2023

If you're all wondering why I've seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet, several things happened in quick succession, starting a few months ago. In brief:

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Happy Belated New Year! (Plus Avatar Update) · 1:34am Jan 3rd, 2023

In case you guys are wondering what this is about, let's just say I've been playing the new Pokemon games as of late, and this picture was somewhat influenced by that. Gamefreak, when are you gonna bring back the crystal Onix?

Report Dragonborne Fox · 124 views ·

Happy Holidays (Update!) · 8:59pm Dec 25th, 2022

So, paycheck came in waaaaay early (hooray for direct deposit), and I had breakfast and a nap because I couldn't sleep due to excitement (I was, however, able to sleep for the three hours that Santa was present.) That said, I have officially cleared the rather large backlog of chapters I had sitting around for Arcane, after forty-six billion years, so now I am officially back on track as far as writing is concerned. The cats and dog are still indoors, behaving for once, and now I have a jillion

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Report Dragonborne Fox · 75 views ·

I am now more ancient. Do I count as antique? (Birthday Blog) · 5:23pm Dec 23rd, 2022

So, I was able to take this day and Christmas Eve off this year (yay!), well ahead of a shitshow that was imminent the week I did it (after turkey week), and work closed early last night because Winter Storm Elliot was practically on all our asses and we had to rush rush RUSH to get home. Basically, my plan is to swing by my sister's place, get cake and loot, haul ass back home before Elliot can change his mind and ice the roads I need to get there. Also, the outdoor kitties are indoors, and

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Report Dragonborne Fox · 81 views ·

Stories On Backburner (Update) · 7:17am Dec 1st, 2022

Well, due to a combination of overwork fanfic-wise, and insane dust bunnies harassing me, I finally bit the bullet and uploaded the last three chapters for the CMC fic, and then its case of sequilitis. In addition, I have a good chunk of more chapters for Arcane ready and waiting, and will upload those at a steadier rate in case it seems like I'm on another sugar binge.

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Report Dragonborne Fox · 124 views ·

So... · 1:04pm Jun 7th, 2022

It happened. After two years of careful planning, vaccinations, and masking and distancing, guess what decided to strike my house like a ninja assassin in the dead of night? Yep, the rona. How did this happen? Let's explain. See, I have a great-aunt living with me, and her son, who is my cousin by default (I call him great-cousin, because technically, he's Dad's cousin, but let's not get stuck on semantics and genealogies here.) Son picks up a job at Amazon a few months back, and so far, all is

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Report Dragonborne Fox · 162 views ·

So, I've had a sugar rush for this entire past month... · 3:26am Mar 28th, 2022

... and wrote out a few... well, a handful, really, of chapters for Arcane's rewrite. I just gotta get them through my editor first, and then they'll be out. Keep an eye out! Same with the CMC-sidefic; it's practically done, just gotta wait for the okay on the remaining chapters!

Report Dragonborne Fox · 124 views ·