Fictionsins 9 members · 0 stories

I am not affiliated with Cinimasins. This group is a parody of their channel. All of their right go to respective owners.

Hello everypony. I am ShadowFall, founder of Fictionsins. This is both a parody group of the popular and well made movie critic YouTube channel, Cinimasins, and a constructive criticism group. In this group, members will once in a while write a review to a rather lacking story they see that was recently added or updated in the format of Cinimasins.

If you do not know this format, visit their channel on YouTube and watch their "Everything That's Wrong With" series. You'll learn how they address the "sins" of a movie in a rather humorous yet constructive fashion. Here's an example:

Fictionsins (A parody of Cinimasins)

Everything Wrong With:

(Insert Fiction Name Here)


Story description is horrible. It obviously leads to a self-insert brony in Equestria. Not to mention anthro. Also, let's not get started on grammar. *ding*

The character breaks the fourth wall to address readers. I wonder how many that would actually be. *ding*

Equestria Girls. *ding*

David is a fan of villans? Gets more screen time than Sombra. *ding*

A scarf? Where's spf 60 when you need it? *ding*

Jesus f*cking Christ this character is a dick. Slipping an electric cherry into a salad? Tricking some guy that a man is on the building and gonna jump off so that he can pull the ring-of-ink-on-the-binoculars trick? This guy's gonna get beat up. Probably arrested. Or if he does this to the wrong crowd, killed. Kid's don't try what you see in this fiction. *ding*

“Snow in bloody July I mean what the hell”

Christmas in! Christmas in! Christmas in July! Open up your special gifts from a round and hairy guy! Hey!


I couldn't help it.


Off to Equestria we go! *ding*

Anthro Rarity *ding*

Barry appeared in the antro world WITH his pants on? That's not how you do it man. *ding*

Oh, I can imagine how they're gonna like this guy. Not even Rainbow Dash is a dick enough to do what Barry did to the guy in the suit. *ding*


SENTENCE: Tricked there's a guy on a building.


Now to those people who have seen Cinamasin's videos, here's how you'll review.

Never address the author personally. Only address the story characters.

Ex. You've made this character Over Powered. This is a massive turn off to any writers. *ding*

New: Ben is seriously Over Powered. This is a massive turn off to any writers. *ding*


After every sin mention, add *ding* to the end.


Do not be overly harsh. We are not bullies, we are reviewers.


No matter how cringe-y the fiction is, read it. Fully. Twice. Maybe three times. Do not miss a little detail. Get every fact of information. Then, when you write your review, follow in chronological order of reading, from story description to the very last word. You may rate the whole story if it is short, or the first few chapters if it is long. It is usually those that tell a story's readability.


After making your review, read it over. Twice. Having grammar mistakes in a review that has grammar mistakes is downright insulting to your abilities to criticize.


At the end of your review, tally your sins and create a verdict. A verdict is basically a sentence you give to the character of the fiction that also reflects a sin of the fiction. Get creative.


While most of these sins are fiction crippling and should be addressed by the author, you can poke around at little things you spot that remind you of something you like.


Once again, I am not affiliated with Cinimasins. More rules of critisism will be added.

Wait, unfinished rules?



If you wish, you may post your review as a group post and link to the story. But remember, only one review by Fictionsins to a story. No more. And don't follow the link to hit the "Dislike" button. Don't punish a author by making him see the sudden spike in hates. This isn't nice.


Again, more rules will be added later. Be responsible with your reviews.


Comments ( 2 )
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Should have thought of it sooner.


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