• Member Since 25th May, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2014

Corona Silverflame

I am a half of MagicalMaladies. The other is ConfidentPrognosticator. I love to write, and I have many ideas I've yet to use!

Story Ideas I've yet to publish

Adventures of Silver and Neo (OC story)
Trixie Lulamoon: The Great and Powerful Mother (Trixie's son becomes her greatest trick yet)
What If...? Series (A random bunch of one-shots of things I've wondered while watching the show)
The Rise of the Bloody Hooves (Changelings get a sudden craving for pony flesh)
You Be ME, I'll Be YOU (Mane six see what it's like to be one another)


documentary · 3:42am Jan 26th, 2014

Guys, there is a documentary about bronies!!! I'm watching it!

Report Corona Silverflame · 367 views ·
Comments ( 67 )
  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67

955858 Well, there will be several stories to get throug first. Captain Equestria, The Harmonies, X-Ponies, Fantastic Four and Probably Spider Mare 2

955634 Thanks, but a real full length Iron Mare two will be appearing in the future.

955624 Well, who can't love your sequel? I loved it!

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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