• Member Since 13th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I also have a SubscribeStar, because Patreon nuked me. Lesson? Do not trust Patreon.


One Unlisted Story · 1:14pm May 12th

Dear Readers,

I am here to inform you that, I have unlisted a story upon request. Personally, I am not a fan of such an activity. More than anything, it was something I never wanted to do in my entire life, but refusing would have only caused unnecessary conflict. It is the decision of the Commissioner, so I have to respect those wishes, even while I am strongly disagreeing with them.

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Early Access to Stories on Patreon · 11:07pm Oct 31st, 2022

Hey there guys and gals!

Towan here with some small progress update as well as some information about Patreon.

First off, I give out Early Access to Clumsy Monifa tier Patreons ($ 3.10 per month). This means you get access to unfinished and as of yet unpublished stories.

Cheating Twilight as well as a Tianhuo story are currently there, with more following. Here the Patreon link:


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Voice for Moaning needed in Animation · 6:32pm Apr 27th, 2022

Hey there guys and gals.

This is a bit of an unusual post so I am hoping more for gals for this specific post (or males with a very feminine voice). I do dabble in art every now and then. Not nearly as much as I do in writing seeing how writing is, to put it frankly, more profitable. And I would say I am simply better at writing than at doing art, so that might play into this too.

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Update: Gomamon Trainer, Commission and other seemingly abandoned looking stories of mine · 4:48pm Jan 24th, 2022

Greetings guys and gals!

This is your Smut Writer Towan here, reporting in after some time to give some information to you all!

First, Gomamon Trainer. My game project is taken up my time as well as my resources as it costs a lot of money. So, I have lots of money to pay to artists and have opened a Patreon (link under the name in my Bio, in case some of you are curious and want to take a peek).

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My Little Pony: A New Generation, Thoughts · 8:03pm Oct 8th, 2021

Greetings Guys and Gals. :pinkiesmile:

This blog post is mainly about me talking about the new movie or in other words G5. A bit of a critique if you will. I was a bit wary of it, though after seeing it, I had to say that it was good overall, but not without its flaws.

With that being said here, there will be spoilers in the following parts. Please proceed at your own discretion.

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Report TheOneWithoutAName · 424 views · #G5

Collab Story with DarkGal! · 6:59pm Mar 29th, 2021

Hey there guys and gals! :pinkiesmile:

While I work on some Commissioned pieces, I also am currently going for a small collab story with the Writer DarkGal!

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Gomamon Trainer - First Version out now! · 8:45pm Jan 27th, 2021

So after quite some time, here it is. The first version of Gomamon Trailer. A work-in-progress digimon smut game which pushes you into a strange digital world, trapped with a cute male Gomamon. The very same Gomamon from Digimon Adventure.

This is a simple enough game. You press buttons to advance the game, talk and molest Gomamon. It is heavily inspired by My Very Own Lith and I recommend you checking it out in case it is unknown to you.

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Gomamon Trainer - First Version Release on the Weekend and Story Writing · 8:15pm Jan 25th, 2021

Hey there guys and gals!

I haven't gotten back about it in some time. Gomamon Trainer, the NSFW digimon game I am working on, takes longer overall to get the art that I need. For now, 2 Scenes are in, 1 of them being sketches. The sketched scene should be done in February as well as another scene, meaning in February I should be able to have 3 illustrated scenes in the game. With the current speed though I am thinking about getting another artist to do some other scenes.

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Digimon NSFW Game, 20th to 25th October (Delayed for an Undetermined Time) · 3:17pm Oct 12th, 2020

Hey there guys and gals!

As the title implies the first version of my Gomamon Trainer M/M smut game will be delayed and not come out on the 15th October. Reason for this delay is that the second NSFW scene isn't done yet and I rather only publish the game and ask for support AFTER it is done and implemented. When it comes to writing, there are only a few pieces left for me to do, so there is no trouble on that end.

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Digimon NSFW Game · 4:23am Sep 8th, 2020

Greetings guys and gals!

It is time for another update. Maybe not really the update some might want, but an update that personally is important to me, so I hope you can bear with me here even if you have no interest in this project I am presenting.

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