• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I write things. Feel free to commision a porn or non-porn thing for $0.01 a word. Price is per chapter.


I Have Other Profiles · 2:26am Feb 19th, 2020

So I figure I should link those here. There's likely a few stories there you all haven't read - at least one involving a zebra if you're a fan of Zul'ten.

Don't know about FiM's linking policies, but on Inkbunny . net I'm DrMadfox and on Furaffinity . net I'm user/madfoxzefox/ for those curious.

Report DocMadfox · 184 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10

SInce: ponkpank never continued A Rare Opportunity and left fimfiction altogether, And guiding passion never made his planned sequel to Meet the Ice Fangs, maybe you could, since your chapters are good and well suited for FoE stories; continue for one, or either of them.

For Guiding, since he's still around, you might need his permission for that... Also this might be a good way/inspiration to keep writing...

Can you please make a story with applejack gets turn into a zebra breeding slave

Are you taking commissions now?

One of your fans on tumblr lead me here~

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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