• Member Since 10th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th

Trendy Laws

Comments ( 29 )
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1085908 Oh god no, I hated the ending

And that whiney brat...UGH I made Brenda everything he wasn't

Who knows how it will end ^_^ LOL

1085900 True that, along with fixing typos on both our sides, removing OOC chat, etc. But we can do that after the story is mostly over, aka if Brenda finds her way back to White Snake, prompting an Evingalion style ending with all the ponies she helped along the way congratulating her.

1085897 IF you wish to do so, then thats ok ^_^ naturally we change a few things here or there and so on. And of course this is AU, because lets face it, if this world found out about Brenda's power...she would be blanked faster then you could say Thats not fair LOL

1085883 Me too. Almost tempted to want to post our Private story as a actual story post, giving credit to you as my coauthor of course. (°∆°)

having fun with ya ^_^ glad we can have so much fun together ^_^

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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