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- A human turned pony discovers a terrible truth about the nature of his existence.Renodil · 1.9k words · 9 4 · 1.4k views
- One night, as I lay in bed playing out yet another story of living in the MLP world, this happened. I felt a sudden futility of something that could never be real. And it made me miserable.Renodil · 1.3k words · 8 5 · 566 views
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My story is back up. It won’t be near as good, but that’s what the comment section is for. Please feel free to point out any and all mistakes. Thank you.
Yeah, I don’t recommend AI in a story at all, as it isn’t really “AI” it just pulls from other stories. You’ll be able to do a story that’s 100% you!
3492354 3492357
Yeah. Sorry about that. Unfortunately it was taken down because I didn’t know you couldn’t use ChatGPT AI software to collaborate in writing my story. Even though I was 70% of the work and it was more 30% that was too much according to them. I am now slowly working on trying to rewrite it on my own. Please bear with me.
Did you take your story down?
Is your new story up or not. It looked interesting.