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Story of my life
Can I be a muffin golem?
so far, amazing
B-but I like calling you cute...
Also on that last note, if Anon regularly acted like that I don’t think he was getting laid in the first place.
So I don’t think he has anything to worry about on that end.
*Sees title* Just don't let Lightning Bliss see this
This speaks to me in so many ways
Is it not weird enough that it’s a human attracted to a horse?
Please. I must have more of this. This was hilarious in a seriously fucked-up way and I loved every minute.
Nah man. It'll def go into AiE. And if I get banned, It wouldn't be the first time.
If that is true then make a temp account and post it anyway, anyone who abuses their power to ban people for posting things they don't like needs to have their power stripped from them and probably put in a mental institution.
Why does Anon have to be green?
(sees avatar and promptly facehoofs at my own hypocrisy)
Anon is a horse,
but he was once a human,
and he is not cute.
-Transformed, a haiku by Dlaf'rferg.
this was intresting
Found the newfag. Do you even 4chan? Also, dat rant.
>projecting yourself this hard
I don't know what the funniest part was, but I laughed so have a moustache
Oh you meant 4chan, I thought you were on about reddit for some reason.
Plz tell me there is gonna be more of this
Calm down, it could be worse...
I revert my previous statement.
We all know that pain...
Twilight vs Walking by Donitz on DeviantArt
Good story!
But I have a quick question: Is this an One-Shot or will there come more?
The best laugh I've had all day.
Funniest I've seen in a while. *Upvotes*
Will you be continuing this? It's really awesome, but it also says complete.
No but back to this I think a 2nd person story from the perspective of a muffin golem would be amazing and break the mold.
Funny and silly. I like this.
Please take that [Complete] tag off...
I to wish that wasn't there.
This site doesn't have enough Filly Anon.
oh my god, I just want to pinch that pony anon's cheek. Fucking adorable.
After writing that you can't just stop the ride now.
This story is awesome. Really a shame it doesn't get more chapters.
Uhh, story of my life? (cause I'm an autistic person XD)
aww, you're adorable XD
You know. This might actually make an alright story if it was taken more seriously. Not the best story, because those require genuine effort but an alright one.

sequel please! like full on story
Yeah dude. Fun story, brah.
This just screams sequel D;
Actually, my reaction would have been more like: "EARTH PONY!? GODDAMMIT!"
Continue this.
And I get the thought of him attempting to seduce Cheerilee through sheer cuteness.
Which he's not of course.
Either way, this was really good and funny.
What a life.
On the off chance that anybody doesn't get this reference: Twilight Vs Walking
Short and funny 👍
I'd probably cite the original QWOP
How cute.
You need to follow my advice. It could mean life or death. Drop everything you're doing and write this story out to be 1,000,000,000,000 chapters long! My life depends on it!
please tell me there will be more short stories of anon filly
Love it.
Nope, not cute at all...
Honestly I find most Anon stories to be meh; cause I feel that its lazy writing or fetish crap.
But this is hilarious.